Game 11 Results

Well, you have to give Beginner's Luck when it's due...

Tonight was TPower's first game in our league...AND HE TAKES IT DOWN!!! Solid game from start to finish. Congradualations Terry...hope to see you next week. Eleanor takes second spot tonight, along with $180, which will put her back on top of Leader Board once again. Third place goes to AC/DC who has made the money for the first time since Game 1!! Good game all.

This weeks CHUMP....HAPPY420!!

Nice to see some new faces tonight. Terry and Tony, you're welcome to come out and join us again (next time, take it easy on us!) My brother also had a great time, and wanted to thank everyone tonight. Also, great to see Sal again...believe me, you have been missed!!!

Great game tonight to everyone. See you all next week!!



  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Eleanor takes second spot tonight, along with $180, which will put her back on top of Leader Board once again.

    Woo hoo!

    I was really hoping to be the first 3-time champ last night....but being up against that monster chipstack was pretty tough.

    Saw some crazy plays last night....sure made things interesting!
  • Good game Tpowers.

    My favorite line of the night was Hork's comment to Numbers: "You still here?"

    My favorite hand of the night: my no-look call (on BB - I borrowed that move from Happy), followed by my one card look all-in. Even though I lost the hand, you gotta give me points for style.

    Favorite educational moment of the night: Learning all about Newfoundland geography while Tpowers tried to talk Str82ace's brother down, for 5 minutes.
  • I've updated the Leader Board on the Home Poker Tourney site, and as suspected, Eleanor takes a nice lead with her into first place, with me about $100 behind her, and Derek in third about $50 or so behind me. Still, Pkrfce9 and JHJ still have a fighting chance to gain some ground in our last game next and bump any one of us OUT of the lead.

    I will be forwarding pics and excel spreadsheet over the weekend.

    Lesson Learned Last Night; when you get more than two newfies together in the same room, the talk ALWAYS centers around "What part of the island you from?" Discussions can last for hours.
  • Good Game overall, I truly felt I was going to go all the way and then I forgot the cardinal rule at AJ's 

    "Thou shall have thy Pocket Aces Get Cracked"
  • ElElliott wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Eleanor takes second spot tonight, along with $180, which will put her back on top of Leader Board once again.

    Woo hoo!

    I was really hoping to be the first 3-time champ last night....but being up against that monster chipstack was pretty tough.

    Saw some crazy plays last night....sure made things interesting!

    Congrats El. I'm glad one of the regular made the money. That goes for you to ACDC.

    Crazy plays.... um... yeah... a few. I started to feel a little off.... most likely over consumption from the seafood buffet. I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach. Gotta keep that one in check.

    Oh.. and my exit... I should have went with my gut and pushed all in with the AK suited. I know Sal would have called with the Q's, and Tony would have folded his QKos.... well, come to think of it, he may have called as well.
  • JHJ.... well, I'd like to hear your recount of the evening. I see that you hit the bubble, but couldn't break through it. Details?

    Also, JHJ and El.... did I miss any other monumental moments at our table?
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