Limit HE ring game in Waterloo (practice for Brantford)

I've got a buddy coming from T.O. and we're going to hit up Brantford on Saturday.

As a warm up, I'm interested in having a baby-limit _Limit_ HE game on Friday night starting 7/7:30.

Limits from .25/.50 to 1/2 based on comfort level of those who attend.

I'm in downtown Waterloo. I've only got one table (room for about 6 more). No rake, BYOB.

Please PM me or reply to the post if you're interested.

- morty (me)
- Emil M.
- Mike S.
- Wolffhound
- DrTyore
- johnnieH
- westside
- John
- SpecialK



  • Can you put me down as in...and I'll confirm in the a.m. after discussing it with my wife.

    I'm not in charge, nor do I pretend to be.
  • I'll be "tentative"... I have to also check with the woman...

    I'm not in charge, nor do I pretend to be. (Hmm... maybe we have our brown trout?)

  • I've got the Green Light from my woman, so count me in!!!!

    See you then Sean,


    please PM your address.
  • Mark me down.
  • I don't mind coming out to play.

    Johnnie, can you please give me a lift? :D
  • Allright.. send the infor so I can get there...

  • westside8 wrote:
    I don't mind coming out to play.

    Johnnie, can you please give me a lift? :D

    I was hoping that Mark could pick me up!!!

    Pretty Please Mark??

  • I"m in, please PM directions.
  • Alright, it looks like we're full.

    I can't take anymore unless people are willing to stand. :)

    I've PMd my address out, come by anytime after 6:30

  • Adam's dropped out due to work-related fatigue, which is a problem due to lack of chairs.

    Anybody have any extra folding chairs?
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    westside8 wrote:
    I don't mind coming out to play.

    Johnnie, can you please give me a lift? :D

    I was hoping that Mark could pick me up!!!

    Pretty Please Mark??


    Can Mark pick both of us up? Please with some cheese on it! :D
  • You leeches...

    Okay... Wes and John, I'll get your (presumably drinking) asses.... Johnnie.. you're in charge of getting directions from your place then... :) I'll be at your place for roughly 6:15ish.. wes, roughly 6:00.

  • need 1 more player? Mark can you pick my drinking ass up too? I will definately play if i can get a ride...
  • I'll be there just a bit after 7.
  • DrTyore wrote:
    You leeches...

    Okay... Wes and John, I'll get your (presumably drinking) asses.... Johnnie.. you're in charge of getting directions from your place then... :) I'll be at your place for roughly 6:15ish.. wes, roughly 6:00.



    Cya you then
  • Oh for crying out loud... okay

    Wes: I will pick you up at 6:15
    Johnnie: I will pick you up at 6:00
    specialK: Does wes know where you live again? I mean, where you really live, and not "the next driveway"? Cuz I can't be 100% on how to get there.... send me directions or Wes will let us know!! :)

    See you all tonight

  • i can give you directions, it's really easy from wes'... pming them now... there's a beer store really REALLY close!
  • One of my co-workers (Mike) is bringing some chairs, but if you can hump your own chair that would be great.

    I think we'll be fine with 10. I'm adding Kyle to the list...

    See you all around 7.
  • I'm bringing 2 chairs...just cause my ass is that wide.
  • thanks for hosting morty, it was a great time... especially the last hand... 3-6o takes it DOWN.
  • Thanks for the invite Sean.

    Good Luck swimming with the fishs today @ Brantford!! :D

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Good Luck swimming with the fishs today @ Brantford!! :D

    My mini-report:

    Me: +$20, Emil: -$80 after 7 hrs.

    Nothing really mind-blowing. Trips getting rivered etc., nothing you haven't heard a thousand times.

    I saw/experienced a lot of the things I've read from other trips. Emil and I got to sit at the same table from the get-go. Shortly after we arrived, they opened a new 2-5 table, so we sat almost right away. We both bought in for $100 and never had to rebuy.

    We started with Lawrence the dealer and he sucked as bad as people have said.

    I had a guy sitting on my left for most of the day that would tell me what he was drawing to whenever he was in a hand that I wasn't in (and he was in a lot of hands). It was hilarious, because he would get really pissed and muck to any raise when the board 3-flushed.

    There was one hand where he had KJ (I think) and had 2 pair. the river brought a third diamond and a LP raise made him react like he got rivered, but he called anyway. The raiser declared a flush and showed his cards. He had misread them and he didn't have anything. The guy on my left couldn't believe that his hand was good and for like 3 seconds he held his cards like he wanted to muck them until it finally dawned on him that he won. It was like he wanted to lose. Needless to say he was down $100 or so when I left. He actually told me that when he'd get good cards (any two face cards qualify as good to him, I think), he'd get sucked out on, so he was only playing low connectors, K3 suited, that kind of thing. From any position, which was fine because there were never any opening raises, and when there were, nobody would fold.

    I was +$40 in the first hour or so, then went on a bad run and was -$50. I spent the next 3 hrs. playing premium hands only until I was back to +$40 and stayed -$15 - +$35 the rest of the session. I had KK once, the Skanks twice, JJ once, none of which held up. My biggest pots were made with QT where I twice turned a straight, both times from the BB. The hands that played well were definitely the drawing hands (i.e. flop middle or top pair with four to a flush).

    Most interesting hand (inasmuch as I questioned my play afterwards): I had Q3o in the BB. EP called, MP called, button called, SB completes, I check.

    Flop come QJ4 rainbow. Check, I bet, EP calls, MP calls, SB folds.

    Turn is Q. I bet, EP folds, MP raises, I think about it and call. This was the very first hand that MP played. He had just sat down. he was a young guy (barely legal, I think). I figured him for a QK, QJ, that sort of thing. Anyway, I call. i really thought I was beat at that point, but I was hoping to chop if the board paired or something.

    River is a 7 (I think). Check, bet, call, he flips AA and MHIG. So, obviously, he misplayed his AA. I'm worried about my own play there, though. Any comments?

    Emil started by climbing to +$60 in the first couple of hours (some of it at my expense, thank you) but bled it away in the last 3 hours until he was -$80. He was playing _way_ too many hands IMHO, and too aggresively. Then would have to fold to a reraise. He basically lost all his money calling with starting hands he should've thrown away.

    Live and learn, I guess.
  • morty wrote:
    I had KK once, the Skanks twice, JJ once, none of which held up.

    Man - do you ever hate pocket queens!!!1 How much did it hurt here? Did you just fold them up pre-flop?

    1 History lession, Sean was busted out of 2 tournaments this week with QQ all-in :)
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