Bristol St. Classic XXII - RESULTS!!!

The opening of the 2006 season was marked with the 22nd Bristol Street Classic. This tournamnet, held in freeze-out format would crown the first champion of 2006, and guarantee the winner a spot in the 2006 Grand Final. Who will take it? Who's cuisine reigns supreme?!

With no chance of a re-buy, play was tight throughout the tournament. Very tight. Exceedingly tight. In fact, it took an hour and a half to bust the first player. Thirty players started the evening and, over the course of a few hours, "2BULLETS" Jeremy got hit by a full house, made on the river, knocking him out in 9th place and forming our final table..


Seat 1: "JohnnieH" Johnnie H ($7,500)
Seat 2: "PokerQueen" Mandy ($12,800)
Seat 3: "Brava" Dave S. ($13,700)
Seat 4: "8Ball" Tye Z. ($17,000)
Seat 5: Ian R. ($7,300)
Seat 6: "Skittlepoker" Bill S. ($6,600)
Seat 7: "Flint Bones" Andrew S. ($38,500)
Seat 8: "westside" Wesley ($17,000)

8th Place: "Brava" Dave S.- 11:48pm

In the first hand of the final table, and with blinds at 800-1,600 with a 200 ante, Brava raises to 3,200 under the gun. Tye calls and the remainder of the table folds. The flop comes K high and Brava bets out. Tye pushes all-in which is called by Dave. Dave turns over KJ for top pair, while Tye, for the fourth time in the tournament, shows AA. No improvement for Dave sends him to the rail in 8th place and brings Tye's stack to over $30,000. A great tournment for Brava and a very unlucky hand for him at the final table.

7th Place: Ian R. - 12:02am

With blinds raising to 1,000-2,000 with a 200 ante, three players found themselves on microstacks and severe life-support; Johnnie H, Bill S, and Ian R. Ian, under the gun, pushes all in for 2,100, Bill reluctantly folds (showing the players behind him pocket 2's) and Johnnie also goes all-in for a total of 2,500. Mandy calls the extra 500 and the players flip over their cards. Ian shows Q6, Johhnie has AK and Mandy is behind with Q3. The flop comes blank and the King on the turn gets an excited reaction out of Johnnie as the rest of the players are drawing dead while Johnnie more than triples his stack. With not much room at the final table Ian finds himself out in 7th place.

6th Place: "Skittlepoker" Bill S. (BUBBLE-BOY!) - 12:05am

With one place to go before the money, all eyes were on Bill with 1,100 stack. Bill, acting early looks down, laughs and pushes his stack in. Mandy on the small blind completes and Tye in the BB checks. The flop comes low and both players check. The turn is a 6 and Tye bets out, Mandy folds. Tye shows Q6 for the turned pair and Bill turns over... 22, for the second hand in a row. With one card to come, Bill needs one of the remaining 2s to stay alive. It doesn't come and Bill becomes the first Bubble-boy of the 2006 season. Three Sun Life boys made the final table, but sadly none of them monied.

5th Place: "Johhnie H" Johnnie H ($30) - 12:10am

Happy to FINALLY not bubble in a Bristol Street tournament, Johnnie found himself the next short stack in the game. Johnnie finally put his money in with A3 only to run into Tye's 77. No help, sends Johnnie to the rail. An excellent start to the season as Johnnie slowly improves his placing each tournament.

4th Place: "Westside" Wesley ($60) - 12:20am

With his hand in the cookie jar, Wesley's Q7 was caught by Mandy's AK, and Wes found himself crippled, down to a single $500 chip and blinds at 1,500-3,000 with a 500 ante. Could Wes pull a Jamal here? Going into the ante's blinds, Wes' 5T went up against Tye's J9, after Tye flopped a J and Wes is out in 4th place. Great game!!

3rd Place: "PokerQueen" Mandy ($90) - 12:48am

It would take nearly half an hour to bust third place as the bad beats bounced back and forth between players. Each player, at different points, found themselves all-in with their life on the line, only to bounce back with a miracle card. Finally, on a flop of 3T6 Mandy pushes all in and her gutshot straight draw runs into Tye's middle pair. The middle pair holds up and Mandy tie her best Bristol Street finish with another 3rd place. Way to go!!! This leaves us...


"Flint Bones" Andrew S. $61,000
"8Ball" Tye Z. $59,000

Andrew, the Bristol St. XVI Champion, found himself heads up with Bristol Street resident, Tye, looking for his first Bristol Street Title to go with his Bounty Hunter I title.

Play went back and forth with Tye, the aggressor taking over and growing his chip lead. In the final hand, with blinds at 3,000-6,000 (1000 ante), Andrew raised to 13K and Tye calls. The flop comes 285 and Andrew pushes all in, Tye calls. Andrew turns over 34c giving him a double-ended straight draw against Tye's J8o for top pair. The turn brings the 7 of clubs, putting two clubs on the board, now giving Andrew an open-ended straight draw and a flush draw.

None of the 17 outs materialize and Tye with the match, $270 and the title of Bristol Street Classic XXII Champion!! Congrats to Tye for his first Bristol Street Classic title and a guaranteed spot in the 2006 Grand Final!

For his second place finish, Andrew picks up $150 and a good chunk of Player of the Year points.

Feel free to post your thoughts on the tournment, (including feedback of the format) below!

Once I have the points determined they will be updated in the offical results thread



    1st: "8Ball" Tye Z. ($270) - 1:05am - 55 points
    2nd: "Flint Bones" Andrew S ($150) - 1:05am - 39 points
    3rd: "PokerQueen" Mandy ($90) - 12:48am - 32 points
    4th: "Westside" Wesley ($60) - 12:20am - 27 points
    5th: "Johnnie H" Johnnie H ($30) - 12:10am - 24 points
    6th: "Skittlepoker" Bill Stride - (BUBBLE-BOY) - 12:05am - 22 points
    7th: Ian R. - 12:02am - 21 points
    8th: "Brava" Dave S. - 11:48pm - 19 points
    9th: "2BULLETS" Jeremy - 11:38pm - 18 points
    10th: "Quickfingers" Anthony R. - 11:36pm - 17 points
    11th: Aimee - 11:13pm - 17 points
    12th: "Oragami" Jonathan C. - 11:07pm - 16 points
    13th: "ItsaMe" Mario - 11:05pm - 15 points
    14th: "morty" Sean - 10:49pm - 15 points
    15th: "DirtyWhore" Mark B. - 10:45pm - 14 points
    16th: "SirWatts" Mike - 10:32pm - 14 points
    17th: "Shtebs" Steve - 10:28pm - 13 points
    18th: "g2" Greg - 10:17pm - 13 points
    19th: "Pinhead" Brad - 10:06pm - 13 points
    20th: "Ionstorm" Ian - 10:05pm - 12 points
    21st: "SkinnyT" TJ - 9:44pm - 12 points
    22nd: "stpboy" Shannon - 9:36pm - 12 points
    23rd: "hughjazz" Dom - 9:29pm - 11 points
    24th: "TNORTH" Tom - 9:28pm - 11 points
    25th: "Zithal" Rob L - 9:23pm - 11 points
    26th: "Shopsy" Jeff S - 9:22pm - 11 points
    27th: Jon L - 8:59pm - 11 points
    28th: "Acid" Joe - 8:57pm - 10 points
    29th: "Big E" Eric - 8:34pm - 10 points
    30th: "Slippery" Pete A - 8:24pm - 10 points
  • Rob:

    Could you post how the points are determined. I know I've read it somewhere but I can't find it.

  • Booo I came back from 175 in chips to over 3000 and then I get busted out by a suck out...obviously.
    With blinds at 150/300 (50 ante) I raise to 1500 with AKc on button and get called by EP. Flop comes Kxx, EP checks, and I go all-in. He calls with pocket 10s...and then I get rivered.
    Funny thing is instead of busting out first, I only got one more point for busting out later LOL.
    Great tourney as always Rob.

  • Booo I got busted out when my QQ fell to AKo.

    blinds at 400/800 (+100). I had ~5500 and raised UTG to 2000 then called the BB's all-in. He had about 6500 including his 900 already in the pot. I don't blame him for pushing, just for catching an ace. He had one of the three hands that I didn't want to see. I hate the ladies.

    That should have been me on the bubble!
  • Points are determined using the formula: ROUND(10*SQRT(NumberOfPlayers)/SQRT(FinishPosition),0)

    The formula rewards you as you climb the tournament with the biggest gains on the final table. I like it better than the linear thing we did, because, in the old way, getting first in a 24 player tournament awarded less points than anyone just making the final table of a 32 person tournament.

    I also plan on holding more events that last year, so I'll likely be using the Top 5 scores instead of top 4.
  • lol I wasn't criticizing your points system Rob...actually I think this new system is more logical and fair.
    I'm just disappointed that I couldn't pull off a complete comeback...would have been happy to make the final table. :D

  • My glorious tournament.

    by Zithal.

    Not much to report on my end. I lost half my stack on a very early hand. Picked up JJ in early position on the third hand of the night and raised to 200 with blinds of 25/50. JohnnieH calls and the flop comes 9 high (maybe 10 high?). Anyway, I'm liking this flop!! I bet out 200 and Johnnie raises to 700 total.

    Crap. He's either got something that beats me or doesn't believe my continuation bet because the Board is small. I call, check the turn and Johnnie bets another 500. I'm sure I'm beat at this point, but the monkey mind won't let me lay down the over pair. I call the turn bet as I also do to the 500 river bet, and he turns over QQ.

    For the next four levels, my hands we're pretty bleh but it seemed like everytime I made a play at a pot, someone played back at me and I had to fold, or I'd catch a huge hand and couldn't get any action. Once my stack hit 1,000 I was playing pretty tightly, finally pushing it all in on a K high flop with KT, only to have Johnnie turn over KQ. Luckily I hit the T on the turn as was alive for another hand our two.

    In my last hand, Ian limped UTG at the 150-300(50) level and I pushed in my 1,500 stack with 77. Ian calls holding TT and that's it. Should have been a little more agressive as play was really, really tight. Bad Rob.

    Also, never ever run a tournament while attempting to co-ordination a production implementation. It just don't work!! A big thanks from me to all the regulars who were able to cover for my occational absence to deal with work things.
  • lol I wasn't criticizing your points system Rob...actually I think this new system is more logical and fair.
    I'm just disappointed that I couldn't pull off a complete comeback...would have been happy to make the final table. :D


    OH!! I was actually responding to Aimee's post about how the points work. :)

    Next time we'll both aim for 12 points!!! Woohoo!!
  • What a great start to the year!!!

    Another great job, Rob!!!!!

    The freeze-out really induced some great playing. Not alot of real craziness (even with Mario!), but just enough to keep things lively. I love this style of tournament, but I'm also looking forward to mixing up the styles and games. I believe this will keep everybody happy.

    I was lucky not to get sucked out on too much. When I did, it didn't cripple me. Which is why I think I was able to last so long. I also laid down a couple. My big one came when I had half of my stack invested in the BB. Tye calls, Wes completes, and I shove with 98d. Both call. I don't recall the exact board( A Q 9??), but I ended up rivering another 9 to triple me up. Whew!!! After that I was able to play poker again instead of All-In Bingo and survive to the final table. You know the rest....

    I think this might have been one of the best BSC tournaments yet. Great players making some great plays. (JMHO)

  • Sounds like Rob ran another great game. I wish I could have played but I always miss the early in the day announcements. Just curious, was the alternate players idea used for this game? I haven't read all the posts, so if it has already been mentioned, sorry for asking again.

    BTW Rob, I, not having access to a PC during the day, would humbly beg of you to consider announcing your tournaments AFTER 5:00 PM, and I will check the forum EVERY day hoping to get a seat on your next one!

    Sean S
  • sstar wrote:
    Sounds like Rob ran another great game. I wish I could have played but I always miss the early in the day announcements. Just curious, was the alternate players idea used for this game? I haven't read all the posts, so if it has already been mentioned, sorry for asking again.

    It wasn't used! I mean...a Bristol wasn't full?!?! Hell must be freezing over
  • thanks rob another great tournament, but it was my post not aimee's asking the point system.
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