Kitchener - Texas no limit hold'em nightly, play for points prizes and pride

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no money for points, prizes and pride

fun for all skill and meet real people, a night away from the computer games

more you play the more points you 100 point getters tours play in a tour held every 3 months for bigger prizes including a seat at a WPT or WSOP event, vacations, etc...

the more people who play the bigger the prizes

even if you don't win it is still a night out for fun and enjoyment
warnwarn.gifdouble post. Tsk. Tsk.


  • Did I read pay $20 for each tournament to cover operating costs? I am not sure how legal and how appealing this is to just win prizes??
  • it is legal, i have looked into it, there is no gambling of money, it is no different than bars holding dart or pool tournaments...the cost are for the prizes i have broken it down to approx  70% for prizes, 20% for government(i hope that is all i will have to pay them), and 10% for administration, supplies

    the reason we can do this is because we do not play for money and there no cash prizes
    and yes it is a fine line or gray area, and i believe some day the government will stick its nose in and make a law against it
    but if they do not allow poker then darts, pool, tournaments will have to be banned also

    besides where else can you go out for $20 or $40 and have a night of entertainment
  • you are going to lose this argument. check the tons of threads that talk about it. do a search on KWSOP. Others will fill this up today who no more than I.

    Prophet 22
  • are dead wrong and I am sure the boys in blue will be paying you a visit sometime soon. Being that you are charging an entrance fee, that prizes are involved, alcohol will be allowed on the premises and most importantly that the game is being held in the same venue over and over again, means that this location is "a common gaming house". I suggest you speak with a detective at the illegal gaming division of the OPP and a lawyer. PS...this info came directly from a lawyer!!!
  • Poker Kings used to run events at the Heuther for Free and as such were not in violation of the law. However, in no way is your proposal legal. Even a $1 entry fee to cover admin costs would be considered the legal.

    Poker is different from pool and darts which are games of skill and not chance. Despite contradictory arguments poker in Ontario is a game a chance and as such must be regulated by the AGCO.

    You are seriously misled if you feel you can charge $20 (self-admittedly) for prizes in a licensed venue and not be violating AGCO legislation.

    If this were possible every bar in town would turn into a Casino.
  • Regardless of what you say you put the money towards and regardless of what you give/pay out if you collect 1 cent for this it is considered a rake, and that makes it illegal. Good luck with it, you will get busted.
  • IANAL - go see one!
    PPT wrote:
    it is legal, i have looked into it
    Where have you looked?  As Prophet said, search the forum.  Many before you have looked and given DETAILS of what they have been told by the OPP, AGCO, lawyers, etc.  What you are describing is CLEARLY ILLEGAL, and if you have been told different by an official source, many of us would like to contact them for more information. 
    PPT wrote:
    20% for government(i hope that is all i will have to pay them
    "I hope" indicates you have NOT actually looked into this, or you would know.
    TNORTH wrote:
    Despite contradictory arguments poker in Ontario is a game a chance and as such must be regulated by the AGCO.
    It is regulated by the AGCO, but poker is not a game of chance.  It is legally considered a game of "mixed skill and chance" (R. v. Grossman, [1991] O.J. No. 869 (Ont. Prov Ct.)) so some of the provisions of the Criminal Code for games of "pure chance" don't apply.
  • Don't drop the soap!
  • Right Trevor - but chance is still the element of the game which seperates it from Pool and Darts.
  • not sure why someone would want to spend $20 to play nightly for a chance to win a seat into a WSOP event?  You can win the same prize at Pirana Poker Tour and it doesn't cost you anything to play.   Not unless you are giving away some great prizes each night which is unlikely if you have a lot of overhead costs, etc.  I would rather spend my $20 on a local home game where all the funds go back into the overall prize pool (with no rake).  Although if this works out for some reason, or you challenge it legally, maybe this will open things up for some new opportunities to play poker in licenced establishments.  I wish you JAH luck!

  • An undercover AGCO investigator was recognized playing in one of the free bar tournaments. I wouldn't be surprised if the illegal tours that charge an upfront fee such as Fourth Street Poker Tour, National Poker Tour and Prize Poker Tour are investigated soon. I think the government wants people to gamble in their casinos only so that it can get a big piece of the money.
    pokerJAH wrote:
    You can win the same prize at Pirana Poker Tour and it doesn't cost you anything to play.
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