"You are an idiot for thinking your hand was good there"

Fairly early on second level, 6 handed $35 +3 at stars. No real read on opponent, seems fairly standard and not overly tight as he was playing a fair amount of hands, but for the sake of this hand, I was fairly in the dark on his play. Blinds 15/30, I have 99 on button with slightly less than medium stack of about 1300. Folded to me, I raise to 90 and only BB calls with stack of about 1150.

Flop comes 7d,6c2d.

I bet pot about 200, he raises another 500.

What now?

I wasn’t very comfortable with this hand but I felt like he had over-cards and was re-stealing my auto-bet, although he was committed to the hand at that point which may be an error in judgment on my part. I eventually re-raised all in for his last couple hundred and he showed 66. Bad news until a 9 hit the river and of course the abuse started about me being an idiot for thinking 99 was good there. (Also, I wasn’t aware of this, but Stars is apparently rigged, lol)

Without flopping a set, this is about as good as it gets for 99, I thought he could have AK, AQ, AJ and make that play putting me on only over-cards myself in a button steal situation. It just seemed too weak of a play to fold there to me. Hands like A7, and 88 would also be making that move, but of course I am dead meat against 10,10 – AA who would surely raise there. I felt a flopped set was unlikely as slow-play would have been a better play, but then again there flush draw / straight draw possibilities as well, so I likely would have made a similar raise.

How bad was my play there? Is that an easier lay-down than I think it is? I do think I have found myself calling a lot more lately in the 20-35 SNG’s than I did in the 5’s and 10’s, but I’m not sure if I should be. I really started second guessing myself after, and wanted to quit poker. Well not really (lol) but it has been in my head ever since.

What do you think?


  • For NL, these are the sngs I play on Stars...$32+5 6 handed sngs.

    My ITM is roughly 75% and it goes like this.

    You have tons of chips to play with 6 handed in these things, the blinds start tiny and the blind progression is fairly slow. Avoid large pots early without a huge hand. There are too many hands that can beat you there, I would have let it go. In general in these, unless you've read someone as a maniac a huge bet into an uncomitted pot indicates that you are beaten. And, so what if you were beating him, there's still tons of time to get reads on our opponents and outplay them when you are more certain of your reads.
  • Yeah I started playing them on your advise, only 20 so far with mild success only (40% ITM)
  • Tie Twist wrote:
    I wasn’t very comfortable with this hand but I felt like he had over-cards and was re-stealing my auto-bet, although he was committed to the hand at that point which may be an error in judgment on my part. I eventually re-raised all in for his last couple hundred and he showed 66. Bad news until a 9 hit the river and of course the abuse started about me being an idiot for thinking 99 was good there. (Also, I wasn’t aware of this, but Stars is apparently rigged, lol)

    I'd have put him on overcards.
    If he had a higher pair, I think you would have been looking at a reraise from him (maybe not 10s though).
    The post flop raise looks like a steal to me. I'd do it with 2 high cards on a flop like that.
    Good thing stars is rigged :-)

    Buddy needs to get back on the short bus.

  • This was as close to the perfect flop for you as it can get without actually giving you set/boat/quads. With his rereraise, I would've figured him for overcards. I am in the same line of thinking about him possibly slow-playing his set, so I guess I would've made the same play
  • Let's not forget he only thinks you're an idiot because he lost.

    Had he won, he would have been like "Yea... kinda hard to see my lower pair setting.. tough beat man"

    And I would say "Thanks stpboy, I feel better"

    And he'd be all like "No worries, come here, let me give you a hug"

    and I'd be "Mmm.. thanks, that feels nice"...


    (Coming soon to a theatre near you... or at least at the next BSC)

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Great - another flick to boycott!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    DrTyore wrote:
    Great - another flick to boycott! 

    boycott? Another? are you seriously boycotting Brokeback mountain? I'm dying to see it...

    I'm serious

    I'm not kidding at all!

    Not to hijack the thread, but why?

  • DrTyore wrote:
    boycott?  Another?  are you seriously boycotting Brokeback mountain?  I'm dying to see it...
    Not to hijack the thread, but why?
    Actually, the "boycott" comment was in reference to Sloth's comments about Duvall, not against "Brokeback Mountain".  That said, I don't have any intention of seeing BM, but that's probably a topic better discussed off-forum (to avoid "hijacking" and a flame-war ;) ).
  • beanie42 wrote:
    DrTyore wrote:
    boycott?  Another?  are you seriously boycotting Brokeback mountain?  I'm dying to see it...
    Not to hijack the thread, but why?
    Actually, the "boycott" comment was in reference to Sloth's comments about Duvall, not against "Brokeback Mountain".  That said, I don't have any intention of seeing BM, but that's probably a topic better discussed off-forum (to avoid "hijacking" and a flame-war ;) ).

    But I still have that asbestos suit!

  • DrTyore wrote:

    And I would say "Thanks stpboy, I feel better"

    And he'd be all like "No worries, come here, let me give you a hug"

    and I'd be "Mmm.. thanks, that feels nice"...

    I do like hugs, and dooo give good ones.

  • stpboy wrote:
    DrTyore wrote:

    And I would say "Thanks stpboy, I feel better"

    And he'd be all like "No worries, come here, let me give you a hug"

    and I'd be "Mmm.. thanks, that feels nice"...

    I do like hugs, and dooo give good ones.


  • Funny, because first game since I posted this thread (last night), hand #1 I get QQ utg and raise to 60 (10/20 blinds, 6 handed). Button re-raises to 140, BB calls, I just call.

    Flop J high, somehting like 58J (rainbow). I bet the pot, Button re-raises all in, BB folds.


    This is hand #1 remember.
    Well, this thread was right in my head, but it really fealt like KK, AA this time from the button. I was right on the fence for a fold, but since I had already almost half my stack in the middle I was thinking folding was going to leave me too far in the hole if I really though I was 50/50 with the best hand. I made a scared call after a minute, not expecting much and the maniac flips over 44 this time.

    I think this call may have even been worse than the first one but I just couldn't make myself fold. I was geared up to start another game when I called expecting KK..lol. If I was playing someone I knew as a strong player I think I could fold easier putting him on an overpair or even JJ, but against an unknown I assume to be not great, I called.

    Thoughts? (Sorry, I have included zero gay content in this post)
  • Tie Twist wrote:

    Thoughts? (Sorry, I have included zero gay content in this post)


    Your very first sentance references two queens. I won't even get into the two cowboys (KK) beating you.....

    As a rule.. I hate playing the first hand of a SNG... it's when all the scary donks come out... but I would call there too.. if you ran into aces or kings, so be it... I've been out first hand of a SNG many times... it happens.

    Though I would have re-raised preflop...

  • I'm going to start calling QQ UTG "the Skanks".

    This week i've been busted at both Bristol and at lunch poker when I was UTG with QQ. Both times the BB had AKo, both times there was an ace on the flop.

  • morty wrote:
    I'm going to start calling QQ UTG "the Skanks".

    This week i've been busted at both Bristol and at lunch poker when I was UTG with QQ. Both times the BB had AKo, both times there was an ace on the flop.


    And ppl say online poker is rigged...pssh :D
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