Don't you ever wonder how they keep the tank full?

Just a bit curious.

Anyone have any feelings as to how Party keeps such a large player base.

Is it primarily an ongoing revolving door of losing and new players? Is it a base of losing players playing for entertainment? Gambling addicts? People who like the pretty cards?


  • Id say there advertising is one big part. I started on the play money site then made the jump to real. I think this is why its easy for them to maintain large player base. Lots of poker coverage and the chance to play for free against real people. Then naturaly these ppl win some play cash by goin all in with there soooted q4 and think there good, so they cash in.
  • Mainstream advertising.

    Lots of online poker sites advertising during poker broadcasts. IMO, this is a bit like preaching to the choir. Party seems to focus a good chuck of its advertising towards a non-poker audience, which, I think, is highly effective in terms of recruiting new players.

    Recently a friend of mine, who knew pretty much nothing about poker, was able to identify Party Poker as an example of an online poker site. It was the only online poker site he had ever heard of. That blew my mind.

    Party is simply the best at recruiting the new players; which are, for the most part, the bad ones.

    And as for the experienced players...

    Internet connection. 40 dollars. New mouse after smashing previous one following a bad beat. 30 dollars. Ordering pizza to get through a long online poker session. 25 dollars. A player base full of live ones. Priceless.

  • They just established themselves as the site that 'everyone' has heard of, which gives them a reputation for new players to check out and see what it's like.
  • And don't forget Mike Sexton saying they are the worlds largest poker school...... School.... as in Fish.
  • I've been having some trouble with Party recently. When I started playing ring games there a few months ago it seemed that every table I sat at had at least a 40% VPIP. Recently though I've had trouble finding a table that reaches 30%. I go through several and usually have to settle for one with a couple of fish. I don't know why I'm having trouble.
  • Actually I am finding the same thing.  I hardly play party at all. I think it is because they now have the newbies only tables - the new fish lose their money and quit before they manage to swim to the surface and play the regular tables.
  • I always thought they do some kind of Magic Voodoo that seems to bring in the Zombie Hordes....

    The truth is I think they have one of the best advertising campaigns on TV right now, the commercials seem to show regular people playing poker or the other angle they have is the trouble bluffing/good at bluff funny commercials.  This gets the web site into people’s minds and has them start playing low limit or play money and once you start it’s easy to continue.

    But Voodoo is the main thing.
  • moose wrote:
    Actually I am finding the same thing. I hardly play party at all. I think it is because they now have the newbies only tables - the new fish lose their money and quit before they manage to swim to the surface and play the regular tables.

    Wow, where can you find weaker ring games than Party?
  • I play mostly Pokerroom and Tigergaming. Tiger is the fishyest - consistently 40-50% vpip at 1/2 limit and easy to find >40% at 2/4 and 3/6. Only Tiger doesn't work with Pokertracker. Pokerroom is tougher but I like the action at the shorthanded tables and they have a good player point system. Pokerroom lets you tag players with coloured balls so surfing the tables is easy - the good ones light up like Christmas trees.

    I find at Party now at least half the table is either tight rocks clearing a bonus or TAG's, a few weak tights/passives and only a couple loose players. I have a very hard time finding a 1/2 limit table with vpip >30% and even then it doesn't last long - either they lose their money and leave or the table quickly fills with TAG's.
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