Trusting people On Net

Well i had a tourney Last night at my place and all went well but 3 no shows. now i was talking to some of the guys that show all the time and will never miss a game. There telling me to get some guys off this site to come to the games i hold... really suck when u got people telling u they will be there and don't show kinda put me on tilt Lil... So i got thinking and how do i invite people of a site into my home. Like how can i trust a person i dont know and never seen before....I see alot of the same people posting all the time and th e same people hosting the games.. So this is my question to the host of all the another games on this board... Who do u trust coming into your home that u dont know cuz i would really like to get some hard core players to my game. I like tourneys but i also like to play cash value no limit after the games... some info on this would be great...


  • How can any of us on the forum trust a guy we don't know inviting us into his home?

    "Never take candy from a stranger"
  • yep true enough but at 1 point of time people invited people to there place without knowing them right? I just looking for a few more solid guys for my game.
  • This was a big issue for me when I started, and to be honest, there have been a few people out that I would rather not have back (and they never came back :) ). My first game was in June at Zithal's. I knew his game was ok because a friend who works with him told me about it. I went to 3 or 4 of his events and got to know most of the local players. When I started hosting, at least half of those attending were people I already knew, and the few I didn't were mostly ok. However, the guys I knew I trusted enough (even in such a short period of time) that I knew I had people who would back me up if necessary (but it's never come to that).

    Personally, I don't want a house full of strangers, although I don't mind a few new faces each tourney. Most of the new guys are ok, but adding them slowly just feels more comfortable to me. I would recommend going to a few of the games in your area and getting to know the guys first. Then, personally invite those you like most and are most comfortable with to your first game prior to posting it.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • HOw cans i trustings people when they grammar all fuked up? is like they needs my rakes do too lacks of edumecations
  • I echo Beanie's statements.

    Personally, I am hesitant to go to a game when I don't know the host. My first game off this forum was also Zithal's and I was a bit nervous at first. Then I found out I knew some people form work anyway. After that I went to more from the forum. I haven't hosted an open game, yet. I plan to however, I don't want a bunch of people that I don't know.

    So come to a few games hosted by others and get to know everyone. Then people will come as long as you're not an ass!
  • Then people will come as long as you're not an ass!
    Or even if you are, as long as it's not often and you apologize (right Andrew :) )!
  • Maybe. But you weren't an ass. You were an asshole! :D
  • Well that covers most of my questions but there is 1 prob.. I have 2 kids and the bank roll is not there for most of the games on this board. Most of the time i just play 10$ SnG's all night but I'm starting to get into cash value no limit games. I'm not out for the money and there is no rake. Just a night of shooting cards and some friendly chat..I got a bunch of Reg Players but there starting to not show anymore.. they just have other things to do... Just trying to get a few more player for My Friday/Saturday games...Just looking for a few guys that r trusting and not assholes lol and there for a night of cards....
  • I started hosting games a little while ago when i ran into the same problem (my friends just wern't cool enough to keep up with the poker that i was playin! :) )
    And i was struggling a bit at first with just inviting people over to the house to play poker.... i had a few people out at first who kind of made me nervous (yeah, i'm talking about you cowboy mike....!j/k) but for the most part i've had great turn out's, and met some really great people (and more importantly improved my game).

    Good luck and where are you located??
  • I'm in Kitchener. if u wanna play on a Friday night drop me a email and I'll call u. I play all most every Friday and if not Friday most likely Saturday. Dunno when the next Big Tourney/ No Limit game is going to be but the wife wants me to do a pot luck poker party.. Nothing like winning a Tourney on a full stomach :D But if any 1 is will to play some low Limit and SnG email me your number and Name...
  • Interesting post. I'm *about* to be having the same problem, as I'm hosting my first game Feb. 11. I don't have quite enough people so I'm going to be having a couple of people from this forum come to my game. It is a little bit worrysome, but I feel that most people on this forum can likely be trusted.

    I'd recommend getting a phone number from them or something and call them beforehand - something that can be traced back to them in the unlikely event that anything actually happens.

  • I understand the concern but I have met many players from this forum and I have yet to find a bigger asshole than myself. Sure that is aiming high but no one even came close.

    Here is my solution for you:
    Advertise your game on the board. First thing is, for a $10 sit'n go you are not going to run into anyone coming to your place to rip you off. They would go to the big spenders I would think.
    In your post ask the players interested to email or pm you. This way you can pick and choose who you would allow into your home.
    I would guess that anyone here that has a hight # of (posts 200+) is going to be alright. Plus you can review their posts to get a feel for their personality.
    A person that is this dedicated to the game and forum is not going to come and mess up your home.
  • esool wrote:
    I have yet to find a bigger asshole than myself.
    Oh, I can think of one...
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    esool wrote:
    I have yet to find a bigger asshole than myself.
    Oh, I can think of one...

    I have not met him though..
  • Big man Quaine too good for your friends eh!
    Trying to remeber who went out first in the 7 card stud you or me HMMMMM.
    Thats all right ill just have to beat you at omaha!!!
  • Young Fisher,

    Come to a few of the local games first. (Bristol ST, Kelly's Place, Beanie's, Lucky Lou, etc) and get to know us. It's been a blast meeting and playing with the local characters in KW these last 12 months. EVERY SINGLE ONE I'VE MET is a great person, and is pretty friggin good at poker. Except '23' Brad. :D

    Once you get to know us, then invite us into your home. Sure, we're loud and sometimes intoxicated, be overall, we're harmless. Until the cards are dealt.......THEN IT'S WAR!!!!!


    note: I'm referring to my usual group of goons that I play with on a regular basis. There are a few KWers that I haven't met yet.
  • Took the words right out of my mouth, the best thing to do is go to some of the events in your area first, I am sure you won't have any trouble finding something going on in KW. Get to know the forum members personally first (not intimately, thats man flirting and we don't allow that) then when you are comfortable, invite the ones you think you can beat up into your home, tie them up and steal all their lunch money.
  • When I started to post home games, I was abit weary as well. Not as much so as the wife, but still, you're right..inviting people you have never met in your life to play a game of cards??

    Still, of all the people I have had to my games, I have yet to have someone over I wouldn't have over a second or third time. Maybe I got lucky, but for the most part, I tend to believe that most people are solid individuals who respect the game as well as other people, strangers or not. I have also gone to other home games, where they didn't know me from Adam, and have never felt alienated or unwelcomed.

    Not saying it couldn't happen...assholes do get through sometimes...but for the most part, I wouldn't worry about it. Usually the good ones outnumber the assholes and they are short lived anyways.

    And I agree with Esool's step by step approach as well. $10 games will not get you into any trouble, but it will open the door to new players.

    About him being the biggest asshole...hey, who am I to argue?? :D
  • Well, what I'm going to say has been said many times already, so why am I repeating it? I don't know! Probably because class is really boring..yepyep..thats it. :D

    As you said, you are from Kitchener, I can assure you that you will have no problems finding games in the KW area if you are willing to travel 10-20 minutes. Some games, we even got players coming from London (TwoThree, witchdoctor) among other places (Milton, Newmarket). Come out to a few games that are regularly organized (Bristol Street is a great one, West Side Poker Club's events, Kelly's Place, Beanie's, g2's, Lucky Lou...the list goes on), and meet a few people at each one. Once you get comfortable with the players, then you might be open to start hosting games yourself.

    But then again, I'm one of the goons that JohnnieH plays :D
  • Young Fisher...

    Here's your solution right here, find out what your capacity is for a night, and 1/2 it (If you have one table that seats 10, that' 5, 2 tables, 10). Now, invite guys that are 100% kickass on this forum and highly respected. Ask them to each bring one dude that they like as well. Trust me, KW poker players are like viral infections, once you get one, you get them ALL.

    Might I suggest

    Zithal (good luck, he's a homebody!)
    stpboy (he's dreamy, and I'll man-flirt when I damn well please)
    The Prophet 22

    I know you don't know me, but I would vouch for any of these guys, as I'm sure everyone on this board would also. Couple this with the fact that 4 of them host the best regular games in town, you'll get to meet everyone who you'd want over... trust me. The fifth is stpboy, and I added him cuz he's hot like me. :) (No, I'm not a 14 year old girl)....

    If you want this regular, you'll get the right base of people with those guys.

  • There really isn't a guy on this board from KW (milton/london/baden) that I've met that I wouldn't let play at my house.
    A PM to one of the people listed in DrTyore's for a reference might help ease your mind as well.

    Look at the latest sign up lists for Bristol or G2's event or Brents, if their names on those lists, you are ok in
    letting them into your house.

    Invite Itsame...he leaves beer behind everytime!!!!!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    This was a big issue for me when I started, and to be honest, there have been a few people out that I would rather not have back (and they never came back :) ). 

    umm, well, I have been there twice :)
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    Invite Itsame...he leaves beer behind everytime!!!!!

    It's BLUE calling it beer is really borderline?
  • thanks guys for the invites and all the helpful answers to my question.. Will have to make it out to 1 of your games and go from there...
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