Game 10 has just come to a close, with yours truly taking my second win of the season!! :D Facing BigChrisE heads up when my 10 2 clubs hit it's flush and took him out. Thank you Doyle Brunson!!!

I took $240 for the win tonight along with the bracelet, and BigChrisE takes $140 for second place, with Hork42 coming in at third for $100. Great game everyone!!

Happy420 attended his first league game, and we all hope he can come out again in the near future. It got alot more aggressive as the blinds hit 100/200.

Chump this week was AC/DC who thought is Kings full of eights were good enough to go all in with, only to be called by my Kings full of Tens!! Don't worry, AC/DC, you still haven't taken the quickest knockout of the league yet...but it was close.

Pics and file update to be sent out by the weekend. Here's hoping there's a NEW LEADER yet again!! :D


  • Wow, I thought Derek was going to place high (oh well .... ). Can't say I called it this week, but you were playing a strong game AJ. I felt the brunt of a few of your re-raises and got caught with my hand in the blind jar. Big Chris good consistant moves as always paid off. (Don't know what happened to El, well I do, too many wins makes you a target, and nobody's gonna give you a pass). Hork, I'm disappointed, but I guess your winnings will cover the baby's milk & diapers for another week.

    I think we could all take a lesson from Happy in aggression and style. I especially liked his no-look blind call after a raise.

    I tried something new this week, concentrating on the cards and less chit chat. Well that didn't work, so next week I'll be back to my socialable self, and let the cards take care of themselves.

    So the rest of you, what happened, lets here it?
    Derek what happend to your big chip lead?
    JHJ ?
    David, you were still in when I left?
    23:15? a.k.a. ugly cousin with bad breath, sitting at kiddy table (because you've long since fallen from grace to be bride's maid.)
  • Derek what happend to your big chip lead?

    Congrats AJ! You had a good game going. I thought you and Hork would be in the final three.... just with me instead of ChrisEl (based purely on stacks Chris, not play).

    Mr. BD... my chip stack. I asked myself the same question on the way home a hundred times. I was doing well around 3500-4000 sitting at the top with AJ at one point. Blinds were 100-200. I raised a couple pots ($500) and bet post flop ($500) and ended up folding (one hand with AJ, one hand with ChrisEl) knowing they hit bigger than I. Then I was down to $1900. Raised in MP to $600 hoping to pick up the blinds. Chris pushed all in for $1900 (my exact total count). Odds were good and I felt he was getting to a point where moves had to be made... as did I. I called with the 2-1 pot odds and KQos vs. 99. Didn't get my suck out I prayed for. So that's the long story.

    My tears have since dried and I am ready for the hunt next week!

    Was it just me, or was there an awful lot of players left at that blind level??? 6 out of 12 remaining at 100-200!! Is that a record?
  • Well I learned an important lesson last night: "If you are going to bluff that you have a flush, make sure first that other guy doesn't have one". Paid for that lesson the hard way last night. ( 10-2 suited :'( ).

    Overall it was a good game.
  • Hork, I'm disappointed

    I know, it's hard coming in as the heavy favourite and only finishing 3rd. ;)

    Honestly, I was so card-dead all night. My best pair was TT which I had to fold to an AJ re-raise when there were about 8 players left and we were the two big stacks at the table. derksen hit my AK with a big raise on a ragged flop that I had to let go. Other than those, I picked my chips up by getting in with speculative hands and hitting two pairs, and making bets at good/lucky times.

    Derek - the "good fold" to my river raise was against my gutshot straight-draw that came through. 76s.

    Hand of the night - Quad Aces, wtg Greg.
  • Derek I sensed that as well, alot of players were still in the game at that blind level.  Not sure if we are all tightening up or becoming Rocks. can go all in on my flushes anytime you want, I don't mind...really :D

    BD, I thought you were pretty quiet throughout the game, wasn't sure why though.  Don't change on our behave!!

    I think I played one of my better games last night.  Folded good hands when I suspected I was beat, and made good bets when I thought I was stronger.  I also played alot more trash than I usually do too, only to see that I hit the flop with it, which is a nice turnabout for me...usually I get hammered when I do that!!  Still, I was afraid of going on tilt a couple of times...once with Derek's raise on my pockets..(just knew you had K's or A's, but damn I wanted that pot!), and once on BigChris who always seemed to reraise my small blind.  I couldn't steal a damn thing from him all night!!!  It took alot of concentrated effort to avoid tilting after that.

    Good game guys.
  • AJ, If you recall that hand, I re-raised your 250 to 500 per flop. I checked on the flop, you bet, I smooth called. I check raised you on the turn with King was showing. I was hoping you hit it and I was hoping for a call. I did have the A's BTW.

    Hork... thanks. One thing I feel good about was my folding. I felt confident that I folded when I was beat, not bluffed. I know I made good folds against you and AJ specifically.

    ChrisEl... I learned a few things as well... more about my play in the high blind levels with a full table!! Next time!
  • Yeah, you killed my implied odds play on that hand by folding the river. I called your big bets thinking that if I did make my hand that I could break you... Unfortunately you ruined that thought by folding. Way to make my calls mathematically horrible. ;)

    Same thing on that other hand were you raised with 76s, I defended with 65s and we both ended up playing the board. We were just waiting to break each other if rags came.
  • derksen wrote:
    AJ, If you recall that hand, I re-raised your 250 to 500 per flop. I checked on the flop, you bet, I smooth called. I check raised you on the turn with King was showing. I was hoping you hit it and I was hoping for a call. I did have the A's BTW.

    You're hand history is of course accurate. I knew once you smooth called me I was in trouble. The checkraise confirmed it. I had originally thought you hit the King, and I missed my trips, but I really did not have you on Aces. Damn good thing I wasn't playing a King!! Good hand.
  • Thanks a lot everyone I really enjoyed myself. I think I might bring a six pack next time, let 'Happy out of the bag' and prove to you all that KING-EIGHT does make money when it is in the hand of it's founding master!!!
  • Happy420 wrote:
    and prove to you all that KING-EIGHT does make money when it is in the hand of it's founding master!!!

    I thought 42os was the 'founding masters' hand :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    and once on BigChris who always seemed to reraise my small blind.  I couldn't steal a damn thing from him all night!!!  It took alot of concentrated effort to avoid tilting after that.

    I was feeling bad that I was doing that to you STR82ACE but I had very good hands and I was short stacked so I had to move, problem was you were just to my right. When I got the second pocket pair of Jacks I wanted you to fold your hand so badly because I knew I couldn't dodge an ace twice.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:

    and once on BigChris who always seemed to reraise my small blind.  I couldn't steal a damn thing from him all night!!!  It took alot of concentrated effort to avoid tilting after that.

    I was feeling bad that I was doing that to you STR82ACE but I had very good hands and I was short stacked so I had to move, problem was you were just to my right. When I got the second pocket pair of Jacks I wanted you to fold your hand so badly because I knew I couldn't dodge an ace twice.

    No worries, BigChris. Everything worked out in the end...just that way it was supposed to. :D

    BTW, THERE'S A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN!!! Check out the new updated Leader Board!!! :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    BTW, THERE'S A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN!!! Check out the new updated Leader Board!!! :D

    If you're the Sheriff, then I'm freakin Bob Marley.... and I'm out to get that damned deputy as well!! (deputy Eleanor that is)
  • Now WHOA there cowboy...deems fighting words. <spit out chewing tobacco>

    You come into OUR town, you best be behaving yourself and keep deem dere sidearms in dere holsters, elsen you be finding yourself spending a night in the Iron Bar Hotel!! Me'n my deputy don't want to be draggin you out of the cardroom feet first, now do we?

  • STR82ACE wrote:

    BTW, THERE'S A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN!!!  Check out the new updated Leader Board!!! :D

    Enjoy it while you can because I smell blood :rage: and I'm coming gun blazing!!!
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:

    BTW, THERE'S A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN!!!  Check out the new updated Leader Board!!! :D

    Enjoy it while you can because I smell blood :rage: and I'm coming gun blazing!!!

    Somehow, I think your wife is on MY side on this one :D
  • Don't know what happened to El

    I do - every time I had a low pocket pair, my raise would get reraised and I would fold. I folded my way to a shortstack, and then thought my QQ were good with a K on the board. Not smart.

    I also noticed that there were a lot of players at the 100/200 level. We're all turning into rocks. Must be Greg's influence :D

    It was nice to have some new blood....err...I mean a new person at the game last night! Hope you make it out again, Happy....especially if you bring a 6-pack. ;)
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