Bad luck and cold cards!

Just looking for some advice from those of you who experienced the same.

I signed up for Party Poker just before xmas. Bought in with a meagre $50 and had turned it into well over $400 in a couple of weeks with moderate playing time.

I cashed out $200 and ever since have been on a huge slump.

I dont feel that I was playing bad - just seemed like a ton of suck outs combined with cold cards.

QQ looks so pretty after 2 hours of rags - and I would get as much as I could in preflop and would be beat by Ax and even Kx or 67s.

In fact after having my QQ cracked about 6 times in a week period I told my room-mate from now on I am just folding them.

Sure enough I get them about 10 mins later - get my money in preflop and am beat by 10-10.

I think QQ has cost me well over $200 in the last week.

Aside from this I am finding that because I have been hit so hard recently my play has regressed back to weak-tight.

SO, I am looking for advice on how to get back into profitable play after a bad run of luck, cold cards and weak-tight transformation

Any help would be great!


  • Party is rigged. Don't ever withdraw money from there and you'll be ok.


    All I can say is keep focusing on playing solid poker.   Cold streaks happen to everyone, and they usually last longer than you think can be possible.
    In fact after having my QQ cracked about 6 times in a week period I told my room-mate from now on I am just folding them.

    Bzzt!!!   Don't start thinking this way.  Play your good hands, fold your bad hands.   No hand wins 100% of the time.

    If you feel your play slipping (your weak-tight reference), take a break from it until you can come back confident that you're going to be able to play a good game.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    Party is rigged. Don't ever withdraw money from there and you'll be ok.


    All I can say is keep focusing on playing solid poker.   Cold streaks happen to everyone, and they usually last longer than you think can be possible.
    In fact after having my QQ cracked about 6 times in a week period I told my room-mate from now on I am just folding them.

    Bzzt!!!   Don't start thinking this way.  Play your good hands, fold your bad hands.   No hands win 100% of the time.

    If you feel your play slipping (your weak-tight reference), take a break from it until you can come back confident that you're going to be able to play a good game.

    Party is rigged?? So are you saying because I withdrew money they are punishing me???

    And you are right about the QQ. I was only kidding when i told my roomie I would stop playing that hand. It was just ironic to take another huge hit about 10 mins after saying that.

    I agree that a break may be a good idea.

    I think right now party of my problem is that I feel I need to make up the lost money.
  • Okay... I am dead serious here.

     stop playing.

    I'm not kidding, don't go online and play for at least  2-3  days.  It's the "cashout  curse"... once you take some money out, I feel that subconsciously you're more  afraid t o  play.  You do NOT play your best.   Let your subconscious come to terms with the fact that your BR is now only 200 rather than 400.  I swear to god, I believe this 100% as everytime I cash some $ out, I drop like 100 bucks the next online session

  • Just keep playing solid poker Tom. Your longest winning and losing streaks are still ahead of ya. Slumps like this happen, as long as you keep focused playing solid poker, you will starting winning again.

    As Hork said, if you find yourself frustrated when you sit down and play, or not focusing, taking a few days off. Go play some Xbox and man-flirt with Mark, come watch some wrestling, spend some time with your get the point. Go back to play when you gathered your confidence and refocused on the game so you can play a solid game.
  • I've had KK busted four times in two days on Party, always with AA, and I haven't withdrawn a dime from Party. Bad luck, cold happens. Hang in there. Take a break from Party for a few days, and THEN play abit. Amazing how fast your cards start coming to you again.
  • I signed up for Party Poker just before xmas. Bought in with a meagre $50 and had turned it into well over $400 in a couple of weeks with moderate playing time.

    Not to be the wet blanket, but did you ever consider that making 8x your buyin in 2 weeks with "moderate" playing time might not translate to a sustainable win rate? I'm sure you're a solid player, but variance is variance. No doubt you were running very hot those couple of weeks and this is simply a natural correction... Don't sweat the downturn (I know, easier said than done), just learn to expect it (and make sure your BR can absorb it).
  • Everyone - thanks for the comments so far - this is what the forum is really about!!

    To reply specifically to Scooby:

    Yes - I did realize that I went on a hot streak when I first bought in - It was literally like I couldnt loose.

    I have been playing for quite some time now and was well aware that it was not the norm.

    I think that is in part the reason why cold cards were tough to deal with.
  • Whenever I hit a bad streak I read a poker book. Always helps me.
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