Elora Poker Turny

there s a poker turny on the 29th , 40 buck buy in so far 160 tickets sold includes turny and lunch and door prizes pm for more information


  • more information can be found at (under league events):

  • Too bad I only heard of this one. Too far away atthe time of the tourney
    Was it advertised at all until now?
  • the tournament is on sunday the 29th. correct?what time is it at?where is it at?is it a freezeout or is there rebuys and addons.is there a cap of how many people you are going to have?what is the payout?would like to come but i need info.thanks
  • I've talked with one of the guys running this event, they've upped the limit on the tourney to 300people. 96 places left, I pushed the guy to start a waiting list for thoes that's don't show once they've sold out.

    Sounds like payout will be to the top 20.
    start with 2500 in chips, 1/2hr blinds
    start at 25/50.

    should be crazy
  • as long as there is no rebuys i think i would like to play but i would need directions and more info
  • Chico,

    Good to see you signed up, I can get you registered and tell you more about it on Sunday when I see you I"ll be going
  • I may be interested in this to Shopsy, I'll need somewhere to spend the money I make at Brent's tournament.

  • Hey Shopsy, the Milton guys are interested too, talk to you tomoorow at Gregs...Jeff..
  • compuease wrote:
    Hey Shopsy, the Milton guys are interested too, talk to you tomoorow at Gregs...Jeff..
    Make sure I'm involved in that convo... I'm interested.

  • Shopsy,

    Talked with the guy yesterday. We have our seats reserved.  Talk to you soon!

    Prophet 22
  • What is the rake, i.e., what percentage of the fees does not go to the prize pool?
    chico wrote:
    i would need directions and more info
  • Rake is 25%. It goes to the hockey team. It is their fundraiser

    Prophet 22
  • do people know where the elora arena is?, adress and directions?
  • david streeet west , elora right beside my house haha
  • sounds like fun expect Happy to come out BLAZING :rage::D
  • Still wondering if i can sign up for this tourney. I really want to play but no word on if there are tickets left. If anyone knows what is going on please let me know.

  • go to the website, its on the first thred give merv a call say cole told u to call him , and tell him your intrested
  • Damn I'm on the Waiting list. This sucks.
  • We'll see how this goes.

    I'm on the list also.
  • Just got back from this, pretty well organized.. 285 players, I finished 37th....Believe it was $3300 for 1st, paid down to 10.
  • I also played in this beast yesterday. Registration began at 11 am with play finally getting underway at around 1 pm. The biggest problem seemed to be people not being able to read/follow instructions as to how to find their table assignment. (does this say anything about the average IQ in Elora? lol). The payouts were pretty top heavy for the top 3 positions, I thought, then a big drop down for the remaining top 10 players. I like to see people who finish in the top 10% of a big field get paid off.Maybe any finish 15th-30th gets you your money back or some such thing. Anyway, I went out about 200th -195th, not sure exactly, but I did outlast Cole Woods. One of my buddies lasted until 20th when he was finally put out of his misery (he had just straggled along for the last 2 hours with just enough to pay blinds). I've heard that another one of these is scheduled for 2006 (I've heard May and September so I'm not sure when)

    All in all a great time even though my play was less than perfect.

    Young Grimmm
  • who are u Young Grime ur from fergus right
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