Question about upcoming Bristol Tournaments..

Basically, with the move to a freeze-out format, the existing "Waiting List" rules aren't valid.

Would you rather have the tournament hard-capped at 32, or allow people on the waiting list to come in as alternates as players bust out? Put your thoughts below..


  • Rob it is a ways for me to drive to get to these tourneys. I like the rebuy because I know I will have enough playing time to make the trip worthwhile. I don't see the difference between allowing a rebuy and permitting people on the wait list to come in as people bust out.

    I bust out - "Rob please put me on the wait list so I can get back in"

    If you are concerned about people on the wait list getting a chance to play I think putting them at the top of the list for the next tourney is more than fair.
  • I think you're misunderstanding moose...

    Everyone get's one shot at the coveted BSC title... however, if (haha, "If") the tournament fills, then people who were on the waiting list can buy-in when someone busts out, but you can't "re-enter" yourself.

    My only suggestion would be to cap the point at which people can do this (as I"m sure you have thought about), so only for the first hour or x number of blind levels.

  • I've altered the wording of the poll to make it a little more clear.
  • I don't see the difference between allowing a rebuy and permitting people on the wait list to come in as people bust out.

    I bust out - "Rob please put me on the wait list so I can get back in"

    No that is exactly my point. What is the difference between filling an empty seat with a rebuy vs filling it from the wait list?
  • moose wrote:
    I don't see the difference between allowing a rebuy and permitting people on the wait list to come in as people bust out.

    I bust out - "Rob please put me on the wait list so I can get back in"

    No that is exactly my point.  What is the difference between filling an empty seat with a rebuy vs filling it from the wait list?

    As we all know, Bristol streets are wildly popular in all of southern ontario. It's sick really.

    Rob was trying to determine a way to A: Keep the buy-in low B: Keep everyone happy (and attendance up) and C: Ensure that as many people as possible get to play.

    I think the no-rebuy, and allow waiting listers on will ensure all of these things. If you bust out, you bust out.. in fact, this was the original Bristol setup, and I think the rebuys were instituted after SOME people would bust out on the first hand on occasion (but still place 3rd in POY ranking dammit!) However, I like this setup Rob... go for it.

  • I personally like the present format. If I don't get in then I know I'm in for the next. My drive is approximately an hour and a half so I won't drive incase someone busts out so I can get in.

    If there's no rebuys that's fine, but don't allow people on the waiting list to buy in after someone busts out.
  • Rob, i love the way you run your tournaments. You have more experience than anyone at doing it well......... with that said, i would have to say i am not fond of this new idea.

    If you chose to turn bristol to a freeze-out format, than thats how it shoudl be, FROZEN! once the tournament starts, all the waiting list people shoudl have their names automatically put on the list for the following bristol.

    I, as i'm sure many others are, am partial to the re-buys. It adds flexibility and a ton of fun to the night. it also makes the pot grow, which is a bonus of course.

    these are just my ideas rob, and I will play and enjoy the hell out of it any way you go on this.

  • My $.02 for what it is worth.

    I like the freeze out format, however, bringing people in once someone has busted doesn't sit well with me. But I defer to your judgement, as you run these things.

    I would like to add one suggestion. For those of us that don't access our e-mail on a regular basis during the day, the announcement timing sucks. Besides, isn't it against your employer's Policy to send e-mails to outside sources that are not business related? Also isn't it against their policy to access this website. I think I know someone in security there.....of course my word may not be good there anymore....carry on.
  • I agree with Johnny A. A Freeze out is just that. Keep the old rebuy formant and make it a TOTAL Freezeout. Once the cards are in the air, thats it. Sorry to sound harsh!!

    As for the players who drive from a far distance, I say "yous takes your chances" There is still the odd "Casual Friday" and other cool tournaments to play in. Personally, I think it's a little silly to drive so far for a $10 Tournament, but whatever. JMHO.

  • I thinkn everyone is forgetting however...

    This will likely lead to a 10-15 person backlog of players for each Bristol street... if everyone on the waiting list gets a spot on the next one, then there goes 1/2 the spots for the next, one, meaning more people on the waiting list.. meaning more delays etc... eventually you'll be booking Bristols months in advance (yes, I believe it is THAT popular).

    I think by cycling people in, it's a bonus because

    A: It's not that different from the current rebuy periods, which are running extremely successfully.

    B: It alleviates some of the wait list, which history has shown is ever-present.

    C: It gets more competition, and more money in the pot. I wonder what it is that everyone is worried about by allowing "late-entries"? It's the same players, they have a smaller chip stack relative to what you could have at this point, and everyone STILL gets only one shot.

    My vote is to let people buy in after someone busts out. Otherwise, we have to buy an extension for Zithal's house and make room for at LEAST 6 tables.

  • Check out ultimate bet if you want to see some "alternates" tournaments in action.

    Works well, just make sure to limit it to the first few blinds levels.
  • I like a freeze-out format over a re-buy format. It gives everybody an even start and puts more weight on an all-in.
       I do not like add-ons at all. Almost every player takes one and it maintains the status quo. Up the buy in if you want bigger prize pools.
       Alternate/waiting lists were something I was unsure of in the past. Ultimate Bet started including them recently and I have to say I don't mind it. By limiting entry to the first few blind levels, when alternates do come in many players already in the game still have the same starting chips as the newcomers. The starting level of chips these alternates have are also now slightly below the average level possessed by other players.
       At Bristol this will allow more players in the game, building the pot and preventing (as Mark warns) a build up of waiting list players carrying over to future games.I forsee waiting lists as big as the next game (I can't make this one but I might as well put myself on the list so I can get in next time).
       The down side is an increase in playing time. A limited entry period (first break?) will keep this under control as it did with the re-buys.
       So my vote was for the alternates system, but either freeze-out will suit me.
  • King Mob wrote:
    I like a freeze-out format over re-buy format. It gives everybody an even start and puts more weight on a all-in.
       I do not like add-ons at all. Almost every player takes one and it maintains the status quo. Up the buy in if you want bigger prize pools.
       Alternates was something I was unsure of in the past. Ultimate Bet started including them recently and I have to say I don't mind it. By limiting entry to the first few blind levels, when alternates do come in many players already in the game still have the same starting chips as the newcomers. The starting level of chips these alternates have are also now slightly below the average level possessed by other players.
       At Bristol this will allow more players in the game, building the pot and preventing (as Mark warns) a build up of waiting list players carrying over to future games.I forsee waiting lists as big as the next game (I can't make this one but I might as well put myself on the list so I can get in next time).
       The down side is an increase in playing time. A limited entry period (first break?) will keep this under control as it did with the re-buys.
       So my vote was for the alternates system, but either freeze-out will suit me.

    Originally I had voted on "freezeout" but after reading Mark and Dave's comments I can be swayed the other way, no problem. I wouldn't want to only be able to play in every other Bristol due to the waiting lists being so long. I can't change my vote above though ....

  • Tough choices, guys, and a lot to think about. Thanks for the comments, suggestions and thoughts.. it's tough to see everyone so evenly split! A few notes (gee... not that the next Bristol is coming up really soon or anything..)

    The first one will definately be a freeze-out and to compensate, the buy-in will raise to $20 with more starting chips to begin with. Even though the poll is against me at the moment, here's why I'm leaning towards alternates...

    Imagine if a tournament starts with 64 players. If your table losses one person, how long before that spot fills up anyway? Is playing with alternates similar to having extra virutal tables in the game?

    The table that the alternate arrives at, now has more chips that the other table. While the effect is minor, we've seen in re-buys tournaments the advantage that a table get when it rebuys more than the others.

    With most of the tournaments ending at the 1,500-3,000 or higher level, adding an extra player or two only really adds one or two more big blinds to the end of the game.

    I would also definatey limit the number of blind levels that woud allow alternates, and I think not having a back-log of waiting list players would be good for everyone, cause it's going to suck if I have to sit out of my own tourney's to let the backlog in!! ;)

    I think throwing the occational re-buy tournament back in is a fun idea, as I'd like to see the POY points expand to be more than just one format. (ie. If we held a Pot Limit O8 tourney, I'd like to see that count in the standings.. hmmm... maybe I should start another poll to see what people think of that)
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Personally, I think it's a little silly to drive so far for a $10 Tournament, but whatever.  JMHO.


    While it may be silly I've actually met a lot of great people out there. I'd rather go to a Bristol or cook crew than to drive to Rama which is half the distance for me. That said I won't drive without knowing I'm playing. Rob runs great tourney's with a known crazy cast of characters, and I can play a more wild and crazy game than I usually play...yes really....

    Hell I"ve even booked a hotel room in Waterloo so I can enjoy a few pops and play.

    I will leave everything up to Rob's judgement as it's his tourney's. I'm appreciative of the fact that running a poker night is an effort. Robs are among the best out there for a small home game. I'd also personally vote for a saturday because the wednesday night out is a killer when you gotta get up at 5 am....
  • There's a great idea, Joe.

    Keep the same format, just move the tournament to the weekend.

  • I'll humbly disagree with moving it from mid-week. There are a bunch of other weekend tournies (mine, g2, WestSide) as well as other activities (family stuff, etc.). The current "mid-week break" is part of what makes Bristol fun and attendable by some of us who are too busy for some of these weekend tournaments. Plus, moving it means no more casual Fridays :)
  • I'm with Trevor on this one - I'm usually busy with other things on the weekends and try to save them
    for the occasional bigger buy-in tournament or random games that test how much you can drink while
    still being able to read the cards.
  • Whenever, wherever...just let me know when. I have yet to play a Bristol and they sound like a blast!!! For my two cents...freezouts, no additional players!!!
  • I vote for Freezouts but with a limited # of standbuys allowed in... If we don't do that then if someone doesn't show we will not have someone to fill the spot with... And we can't ask people to just show up "in case".. Perhaps limit it to 4 standbuys that get in as people bust out? Agree on the no-rebuys except for those "special" events like around xmas... Great fun!
  • man, reading about bristol just makes me sad. sad how i won't be able to attend any until like early may. but regardless of my sad state of poker affairs, i actually think the freeze-out might be a better idea only because it would allow the cap at 32 to increase. this does give more players a chance to play and also makes the tournament players realize they have to play properly and can't just do something crazy and rely on a re-buy to let them back into the tournament. so the freeze-out might actually increase the level of competition.

    although, i do understand how some ppl do have to drive out far and to play one buy-in's worth may or may not be fulfilling depending on how far you get, of course. so it is hard and but its hard to make everyone happy. at least...if you do a freeze-out, more ppl benefit by getting a chance to play and have fun. which is the point, right?
  • Dammit...

    Why is everyone wrong except me?


    P.S. This happens a lot more than you'd think! :)
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