playing AK against deeper stacks late in a tourney...

Hey folks,

Was playing a silly little 2 dollar multi on Inter tonight, was leading the tournament in chips alot of the way, but after losing good chunk to a decent stack when he hit his four outer for a gut shot straight, I was down to slightly above average. The very next hand, I call a smallish all in from the small blind with 1010, he shows K8 and makes quad 8's.

Que Sera

Soon after the following hand came up.

Blinds are 300 - 600 with a 75 dollar Ante. I start the hand with about 7500 in chips.

I'm in Milddle position with AK offsuit. All fold to me and I raise to 2400. All fold to the button with about 17000 who calls.

I don't remember the flop exactly, but it was all low and rainbow, reasonably connected, but not scary. I figure my opponent either has two big cards like me, or possibly a pair like 77. Being first to act, what is the best move here given that I have completely missed the flop. I opted to move in reasoning that if he had two big cards he would likely fold, and if he had a medium type pair I would still have a chance. I moved in and he called showing 99. I failed to improve and was done. Went from tournament chip leader to out in a about five minutes. I don't feel there is much I could have done to avoid getting my chips down to where they were. I am wondering if I could have gotten away from this hand though. Thoughts?

I'm really trying hard to improve my play later in tournaments. I seem to have an easy enough time getting deep in tournaments of 100 to 300 players, but fall apart near the bubble. So I guess in addition to answering my question about this hand, some comments from people about strategies they employ late in tourney's would be great.



  • You played the last hand fine, not continuation betting seems really weak imo but once you do you're pot-committed anwyays so might as well just push.
  • Thanks, I guess, I'm struggling with the fact that I burned out so quick when I was in a position to go very deep and even win. I am trying to sort whether I was tilted and acted too aggressively just hoping for a fold.
  • I think i play it the same way
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