Unraked SNGs In North York

I got a Poker Table for Xmas, have chips, cards, etc, etc...

If anybody is interested in setting-up a weekly on bi-weekly game in the North York area then let me know.

NLHE, open to other games but I assume there will be little interest (PLO8/Stud8).

No rake and player dealt.
Non smoking.
$30-$60 sngs depending on interest.
Structure will be for 1.5h games.
Max 9 handed games with 3 payouts 50%/35%/15% or similar.


  • Hi there, havn't posted on the forum for a while (mainly i thought due to lack of players in North York).

    I would definately be interested in this, if it happens PM me and I will be glad to join.
  • Please let me know what buy-ins youd be interested in and what nights are good.

  • I would be interested in attending the odd game. I can't commit to a regular game as I have games coming outa my ass.
    No days in particular are good or bad but Saturdays seem to be lacking around the gta..
    $30-$60 is cool.
  • If we get at least 6-7 players, I'll set something up. I'm not going to be able to do anything until next month, just making sure we can get some players. It won't necessarily be a regular game, but just an impromptu game here and there. If we can get 4-5 forum players then I can likely fill it with other players I know.
  • I agree with esool on the lack of games saturday around here. A regular or semi regular game on a satuday would be great. I also play ~50 games.
  • I"d be interested in a Saturday game. My g/f would probably come too for that price range. I'm not impressed with the Saturday Action around the GTA. That's why I run my tourney's on Saturday.
  • When I'm in Toronto for the weekend, I don't mind coming for a game on either Friday or Saturday night.
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