Did i play this wrong?

Playing 1-2NL at my club
BB i got dealt AQoff and have little less then 100$
5 players limped
i raise it to 15 flat
2 players after me called the rest folded
flop came
Q 10 8 rainbow
I check ... next player check ... 3rd player bets $20 (I put the 3rd guy on a Q with a low kicker but suited)
i called ... the next guy call
turn comes Ace completing the rainbow
i went all in for 60
next player folded
3rd player called and flips over poket 8s
rivered came a K didn't help me i go broke


  • I think you played the flop wrong, I think you're going broke regardless on that hand with a short stack.
  • I would've led out betting the flop. With around $40 in the pot already, and hitting two pair on the turn, I would've gone broke also with slightly less than $100 in my stack.
  • :as

    Theres a lot I would have done differently.

    Firstly you don't have a strong hand. It's not made yet. If you were hoping to pick up the pot right then you didn't bet enough. If it's a value bet you bet too little.

    Without knowing the number of, or types of players you are playing against and the type of game you are in (loose passive etc) I will take a stab at how I see a better way of playing it.

    Firstly, you get free look in the blind with minimal invested. Take a look at the flop and if you like bet it out. You will have hidden strength and may take down a medium pot against a weaker queen or even second pair or someone playing a draw.

    Pre-flop I would have checked only however, if you wanted to raise I think a raise to $8 (or maybe $10) is much better.

    On the flop your pot is approx $45 any bets at this point are going to be $20 plus which makes an appropriate raise somewhere in the $60 range. That would put you all in. Heres the way I see it... if you made the raise to $8 instead you can now make a bet on the flop of around $15. Once you get called you have to put players on draws or their smooth call could be worse... a trap!

    When you hit your ace on the turn it makes another straight possible and KJ is a highly likely hand the way it has been described thus far. I like to check the ace or maybe make a 1/3 pot sized bet and now when the 88 comes over top of you you can relase the hand ith half your stack still intact. I think thats how I see it. If the player was weak and was capable of calling your bet with just the Ace over card on the flop (or maybe AJ which now makes it a double belly draw as well) then hits the ace and moves in on you... other wise I would toss the hand away!

    Let me know what you think...

    Sorry for the sporadic thoughts. I am multi-tasking.

    Good Luck

  • If you were hoping to pick up the pot right then you didn't bet enough. If it's a value bet you bet too little.

    I'm a little confused with that statement. You're saying he didn't bet enough but...
    Pre-flop I would have checked only however, if you wanted to raise I think a raise to $8 (or maybe $10) is much better.

    You would have raised LESS?

    Personally, I think a raise to 8 or 10 is bad, since it's not apt to drive ANYONE out of the pot and now you have to play AQo OOP against a large field which is scary to say the least. I think the raise to $15 is about right as it has the chance to take the pot down NOW which is what you want when out of position, but at the least it should narrow the field. That being said I don't mind a flat check either, but you have to be very cautious playing in an unraised pot OOP if you flop a hand like TPTK.

    I don't like the check on the semi-coordinated board, but if you do, I think it has to be with the intention of check raising. With about $45 in the pot I think I'd prefer leading out with something like a 2/3 pot bet or so, maybe around $30. If you get reraised, you might be able to drop it with a read, but given the shallow stacks, I think I'm probably going broke on that flop...
  • Heres some more info
    i've been playing for about 3 or so hours at this table
    i've notice a couple of guys that limped in usually limp in wit almost everything and will call a raise that is 3 to 4x the bb
    thats why i made the raise to 15
    if i raise it to 20+ i'm pretty sure i have a good chance of taking this down preflop
    but i want to make some money through this hand since i haven't played much and the few pots i played i had a nice hand and rarely gets to showdown

    The table is loose but the people will bet or set trap if they have the hands
    i'll say i'm one of the aggressive one at the table
    betting hard at my preium hands
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