$1/2 NL in K/W this Thursday =)

Thanks to all those who came out last Thursday! It was a fun night as usual that lasted til players had to catch their classes. This week we're doing it all over again on Wednesday & Thursday night at 11pm. So if you're looking for an easy and chillaxin night of poker near campus, come out and we'll show you a great time!

Free drinks & snacks!
Come watch Dave and I donate ;)

Always full, always friendly. New players & old familiars all welcome!


(Shu-awn) ...so the mystery has been revealed  :D

519-589-7620 for more info/details/directions


  • xuan,

    what's the buy in limit? I think I remember seeing it being upped in a previous post

  • what's the buy in limit? I think I remember seeing it being upped in a previous post

    Nope, it's still min. $40 max. $100. Sorry for all the high rollers, but our game is played by a lot of students =) This ensures the game to be equally competitive no matter what your bankroll is.
    Besides, the game is structured so that if buy-ins were to increase, blinds should be as well for obvious reasons.

    It was nice seeing you at Niagara, Patric. Come back so I can finish reading your book!

  • 90% prob I'll be there wednesday, sorry to tell you but I finished and returned that book some time ago, I recommend it though very enjoyable read. How did you and mike do at Niagra? I happened to be on the crasiest 1/2 table there, even the dealers were saying the action was crazy. average pre-flop raise was 25-30$ . unfortunatly the cards were as cold as ice for me and I was down bad for the night.
  • Aww, that sucks. Dave and I were messing around the limit tables cause we just missed our bus =/

    Hope to see you & some other familiars out! We're trying to start on time...really!
  • Start on time? I don't know if I believe that. I'll be there though.

  • dido on the start time, sorry I have to cancel, too much work, shitty wheather for the drive I have to make.

    have a good one

    p.s I vote for poker nights on thursday, much better day for me
  • Just wanted to apologize for not starting on time yesterday (Erik), but hope everyone had a good time anyway =)

    Tonight we have players who are demanding another game, so if anyone wants to drop by around 11pm, feel free to join in on the action!


  • xuan, can you pm me your msn? I'd like to get in contact to find out how the game is going, if it has started ect. ect

    P.s probably a good thing to put out alot of clubs are doing it now and its a great way to let people know when you are having a game ( just with your msn name)
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