Mid Winter Blues Poker Tourney at Crown Casino (Time Change) now Cancelled

Our first poker tourney of 2006 will take place on Sat. March 4, 2006 @ 3 pm.  $25.00 buy in with one rebuy if you bust out at any time for another $25.00.  1,500 in starting chips with 1,500 for the rebuy.  It will be limited right now to 24 people, but may be increased to 40 depending on demand. 

Payout will be 40%, 25%, 17.5%, 10% and 7.5%.  There will also be a 4 of a kind side pool. 
Edit:  if we get more than 50 the following will be used:
30% 20% 12% 10% 8% 6.5% 5.5% 4.5% 3.5% with a 9 person final table. 

Blinds are as follows and will be 20 minutes.

10/20, 15/30, 30/60, 50/100, break, 75/150, 100/200, 150/300, 200/400, break, 300/600, 500/1000, 600/1200, 800/1600, break, 1000/2000, 1500/3000, and 2000/4000 capped.  There will be a 15 minute break every 4 levels.



  • Joe put my name on your list, I had a great time at your last one.
  • Hi.  Can you tell me where Crown Casino is?

  • It's north of Toronto. About 11 km north of Newmarket. Fairly easy access from either the 404 or 400. If you need more detailed directions PM me.
  • Count me in Joe. Cheers.

  • Sounds good Joe! Where do I sign??

    Probably SOS as well, but I'll let him tell ya.
  • Consider yerself told....

  • :s: :d: :c: :h:

    Joe -

    Right on - sign up KRT and Shawn D :D:D

    I know 3 or 4 of the regulars we play with would like to come out - will confirm this week. :fish: :fish:

  • OK done, let me know on the others.
  • please put our names down for this tourny.
    we had fun the last time
    names are Kasper R and Andy T
  • please add 1 more player

    name is Sue W.
  • :s: :d: :c: :h:

    Joe -

    Please add - Heather S.
    Chris L.
    Dan S.
    Mikey (he likes it)

    Thanks - this is gonna be good! :D:D
  • Done,

    We are at 18 now coming so it should be another good one, Anyone on the list if you have to cancel please let me know. Im actually talking to a bar owner friend of mine who is looking into hosting this tourney so we can expand past 24. Right now it's going to be here so I am limiting it to 24 and if the weather co operates maybe 32 if we use the garage.
  • Just a bump, there are 3 spots left if anyone is interested. If you need directions please PM me and I'll send it out
  • :s: :d: :c: :h:

    Joe -

    2 more for the tourney - Derek G. and Justin B. :D:D
  • That fills the 24 now. I know of 2 people who may walk in and show up. If you can't make it please let me know.

  • The list of entrants and waiting list should be up to date.  Please advise me if it isn't.   

    If you can't make it please let me know.  I've advised the people on the waiting list to show up, and if no prior arrangements (phone call e mail pm etc) they will fill the vacant spots.  It seems that a 10-20% no show rate is common.  The maximum you will be blinded out will be the first level (25 min) then the chips will be removed from play unless I know your on the way. 

    If you need directions etc please pm me and I will forward them.

    See everyone on March 4, 2006 @ 3 pm
  • Sorry everyone I've moved the tourney to 3 pm. Directions will be sent out about a week before the tourney. We are now at 40 so some scrambling had to be done. It will be held at a different location to the usual tho only about 4 minutes away. If this isn't good please let me know.
  • Directions has been sent to everyone. If you didn't receive them, please let me know. The New start time is 3 pm. I will begin taking registrations at 2:30. For those who told me to add names to the list please ensure they are informed.

  • never recieved the directions
  • Everyone should now have received the directions. If not please contact me via e mail at crowncasino@winning.com since some PM apparently aren't going through.
  • Joe I am not able to come. I have to work 10 - 10 I am truly sorry about this.

  • This post has been edited now that I'm over being pissed. This event has been cancelled due to concerns raised by the local authorities. Please check your PM"s. I will not answer questions related to this in the forum. Future events will be limited to 32 max and held at the traditional location. I am in the process of reviewing the documentation provided to me. It is strangely similiar to the KWSOP and the Royal Cup. I have reviewed the options including moving it and felt cancelling was the best option. Please check your PM's and if you were bringing friends please advise them.

    Sorry for this, but it is now beyond my control.
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