the "supreme team"

Hello gang

Just wanted to bring your attention to some news posted on the homepage and that is the newly formed "supreme team"

Once a month (maybe more depending on popularity/turnout) there will be a $30+$3 NL tournament, each team member that takes part in the tourney will have a $50 bounty on their heads. With 8 team members that means there is the potential for an additional $400 USD up for grabs in addition to the prizepool. Although not every member will make it out to every event each month, so it may vary.

The 1st bounty event will be on Feb 1st at 9pm EST. Registration will be opening soon and the confirmed # of team members playing will also be announced closer to the tournament date.

The members with a $50 bounty will be: (these are their forum names, not necessarily their usernames on supremepoker)

Magithighs, Sloth, Teach, Giggles, McTib, CanadaKev, Scottyz, and ComaU.

Hope to see you all there!


  • teaches bounty belongs to me. ming isnt safe either.

  • could be very cool if we can get the turnout.
  • It should be easy money with the bounty on my head.  You know, i'm the one who thinks he can make those awesome reads.  Come on out and support the big Sloth and take some money from me!!

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