Overpairs? How do you play them in SNG's?

Hi all to start this won't be a bad beat post. Just had a situation come up that I feel I could get some feedback on.

Hero UTG+1 with JJ in a very early hand of an ultraturbo sit n go on UB. So no player reads and every one nearly same chipstacks. Blinds 15-30? Hero limps in MP raises the pot to ~ 160 BB. calls. Hero calls. Pot is ~ 490.

Flop comes 7 6 3 rainbow. BB checks
How do you play this hand with no reads.
Bet out(either small or big)?
Check to induce a bluff with the intention of raising any bet
Check and call to see if a safe turn hits?

I will post later as to how the betting transpired but was interested to see how others play this situation.
P.S. I don't usually limp with big pocket pairs in EP.



  • With JJ, I would make a smaill "probing" bet (1/4 of the pot) to gage the rasier in MP.

    But's thats me.

  • Ultra turbo? Push.
  • First I would have raised pre-flop. I don't like limping with Jacks..

    On the flop, I would make a big bet. It's a turbo SNG. Maybe $300 or more. I don't mind pushing here either.
  • Ultra-turbo. Raise preflop... No need to vary your play against opponents who will only see you for 10 hands.

    no time to mess around with the blinds going up every 2 minutes. Push on the flop and hope for the best.
  • I push, you'll be surprised how often an overbet will get called by A hi or A7 etc etc, definite push.
    When you factor in the number or bad calls, fold equity, vs the odds of a set or bigger pair, pushing is the right play.
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