Okay, this is way you should cap with Junk.

Dealer: Starting a new hand (#358815281)
Dealer: BonaFan posts Small Blind $2.50
Dealer: Wyern posts Big Blind $5
Dealer: Dealing cards
Dealer: Your cards 3h 4s
Dealer: luz1soon folds
Dealer: djcrowl raises $10
Dealer: katalina333 raises $15
Dealer: AG4U2NV raises $20
Dealer: BonaFan folds
Dealer: Wyern folds
Dealer: djcrowl calls $10
Dealer: katalina333 calls $5
Dealer: Dealing Flop
Ks Kc 4h
Dealer: djcrowl bets $5
Dealer: katalina333 calls $5
Dealer: AG4U2NV raises $10
Dealer: djcrowl raises $10
Dealer: katalina333 folds
Dealer: AG4U2NV calls $5
Dealer: Dealing Turn
Ks Kc 4h 4c
Dealer: djcrowl bets $10
Dealer: AG4U2NV raises $20
Dealer: djcrowl calls $10
Dealer: Dealing River
Ks Kc 4h 4c 5s
Dealer: djcrowl bets $10
Dealer: AG4U2NV raises $20
Dealer: djcrowl goes All-in $4
Dealer: AG4U2NV shows Full house
3h 4s

Dealer: Winner is AG4U2NV with Full house
4h 4s 4c Ks Kc $173.50

The other guy had JJ
and the guy that was in the hand and folded after the flop had AA

I know this is a bittersweet victory, but if I was playing junk, I might aswell play it hard...I know if he had a K to make a better boat, he would have re-raised my raises. That's why I went hard at him! He should have at least put me on a K too...I think he is to blame for this beating...agree or disagree?


  • I think you lose alot of money playing poker.
  • What site was did you play that monster on? Party?


    note: This is a serious question, I'm not trying to sass anybody. For once!
  • Was there a point to this post? Or is this just an anti-bad-beat post? Congrats on the 2 outer...
  • What site was this on...can you say your screen name again slowly for me

  • I realise that you're happy with your pot, and good for you. My question is why play such a crappy hand and cap it? I really don't get it. There is no way if you continue to play like this that you'll be profitable.

    I am not trying to be harsh, but that was a really bad play. I just don't get it. I can only imagine the other guys reaction when he saw your hand.
  • you will lose way more then u won playing 5/10 like that lol. but in his defence the other guy should of assumed his jacks were kibashed when three guys were in the pot on the flop.
  • You stink.
  • Very well played
    i couldn't have done it myself capping the raise at preflop with 34 and raising again when u hit bottom pair :)
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