K/W What's the deal with Saturdays Croatian tornament

Does anyone have any information regarding tomorrows $110 freezout at the Croatian hall in Breslau...this is the only information I have about it
buy in $110
Location Breslau (from Kitchener turn right on highway 7 at the pioneer gas station, first drive-way on the right)

I don't even know the start time...I was told $5000 first place prize guaranteed.....I know I'm going but I'm hoping for more info; blinds, chips to start with etc.

I'm hoping the wine man knows a little more


  • Hey Damian and crew
    Yup, it's a go on saturday. Register at 11:30 a.m., play starts at noon. These tournaments are always fun. Lots of players ( 75 -100 men & women ) and dinner is included ( home cookin ). There is also some excellent cash games afterwards. Lots of action. Blinds start at 10-20 and are usually 30 minutes. I'll be lookin for yah. Take it easy on me if I'm at your table. I'm just a beginner!
    Take care.
    The ' Wine Man ' Larry L.
  • Hey Larry....I thought you were playing the Cook Crew game on Saturday...your name is on the list!!
  • How many chips do we start with??????

    Who plans to attend?????
  • Thank you 'wine man' for putting the bounty on my head....you played some soild poker as always

    Busted out in 6th ($300)

    All in preflop
    :8d :8h vs :ah :qd

    I'm still kicking myself in the ass for the bad play I made on the first table..could have been chip leader overall...but no ended short stack.

    68 people
    8. 100
    7. 200
    6. 300
    5. 400
    4. 500
    3. 700
    2. 1050
    1. 2200
  • Well done Damian?

    What was the buy-in
  • Thank you Brent.....I have to be honest I was really in the ZONE for a while...and then just blew it...what's new.
    As long as I get in the Zone in Edmonton.
    And to answer your question the buy in was $110 that included lunch.

    How did you make out today??
  • I finished 8th.

    Fighting a low chip stack all day. All in with ANNA and no help, lost to a pair of 99 plus hit ended up hiting trips.

    I will talked to you soon.

  • Hey Damian
    Congratulations on your comeback finish. Yeah, that bounty on you and Abdul was fun. Lots of guys where gunning for you both. Considering you hit the final two tables with only $2300. you did bloody good to finish 8 th. I took a huge hit that I was'nt able to recover from, finished 14 th. - out of the money again! Went into the hand with AA, get put all-in by QQ and the young lad catches his 1 out queen on the river. I did'nt do the ' Drama Queen ', but I was steamin!. I stayed alive for another 30 minutes before going down to a nut flush draw. I'm lookin forward to ' Championship Day ' in 2 weeks. Branko makes great homemade WINE, and Mary is a fabulous host, outstanding meals. Look forward to seeing you soon. Kick some ass out west. Do us proud lads.
    The 'Wine Man '
    Larry L.
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