Special Invitation to al Ryder Cup Players Cancelled

Not enough interest tonight. Will try again next tuesday.


With a month away to the Ryder Cup, I would like to send out an invitation to those who would like to practise Stud and Omaha, I will open Kelly's Place next Tuesday at 7:30 pm.  We have enough room for 2 tables of each game.  if you could just be kind enough to sign up here on this thread.  All I need to open the door is enough for one full table.  who knows, maybe even a ring game make break out before the night ends.

Prophet 22


  • Brent,

    Throw me on the Stud table and I will stick around for a ring game.

    Need to make up for last night's Omaha losses.
  • yeah throw me down for the PLO, i'll prolly be late coming around 10 or so... stupid class gets in the way of everything...
  • I have had a couple of responses to this invitation. I am normally closed on Tuesdays so if I don't get enough for a full table by 4:00 pm on Tuesday I will cancel this session.

    Prophet 22
  • I'll be in for either.

  • I have three people interested in coming tonight. And nobody from my team is even interested. If we don't get more it will be cancelled.

  • Its not that I'm not interested, I can't make it.

    Is the Thursday PLO Omaha game a SNG? Or Ring game?
  • Not enough interest tonight. Will try again next tuesday.

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