23:15 Game Final Time

The prophecy has come true...well, half anyway. We WERE done by 23:15.

It was Elliott vs Elliott tonight headsup. Both almost equal chip stacks after Chris took me out with AQ vs my AJo. It was a very quick headsup battle though, as the second hand, Eleanor took a HUGE bite into her hubby's stack :D leaving him moaning in agony. After a couple of tosses back of the blinds, Eleanor took Chris out with K8s, taking top spot tonight and $160. Hubby took home $95, and I left with $65.

I will be updating the leader boards tomorrow and send the file to everyone over the weekend. Great game tonight everyone. I'm sure this will up changing the leader in a small way, making it even threatening next week for Derek and Greg.

Oh, speaking of Greg...GUESS WHO CHUMPED OUT FINALLY? :D Talk about losing gracefully!! Priceless pic dude.

See everyone next week!


  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Eleanor took a HUGE bite into her hubby's stack  :D leaving him moaning in agony. 
    That sounds dirty. And to think I was home sipping on a hot chocolate at the time...
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    And to think I was home sipping on a hot chocolate at the time...

    Awwwww, that's too bad.
  • so what happened to JHJ? You mean after running the bus off the road into the ditch, he only came in 4th.  You used my chips... poorly.

    I did not have the luxury of hot chocolate after my defeat. I got to go home to see I still had to take out the garbage and clean dishes.  You see TheBusDriver wears many hats.  This week garbageman, dish washer, next week Clock Cleaner. :rage:

    P.S. Congrats L, good game.
  • I got on a serious roll and got some good cards towards the end, crippling JHJ and then taking out STR82ACE, but then when it was heads up with the wife it came all crashing down around me.

    Eleanor took almost all my chips when I had :4c :6c and the flop came 6-7-7, Eleanor went all-in and I called. She had A-K suited and caught a King on the river. At that point my dreams were dashed and I had only 700 chips left. :'(

    It was a good game all around.
  • I can't imagine what it must be like at the Elliott's household this week....

    BigChrisE: "Honey, can I wear the bracelet?"

    El: "Why, yes, dear, but first you have to take care of the little things...like all of my whims."

    Tough love, I would think.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    I can't imagine what it must be like at the Elliott's household this week....

    BigChrisE:  "Honey, can I wear the bracelet?"

    El:  "Why, yes, dear, but first you have to take care of the little things...like all of my whims."

    Tough love, I would think.

    Actual quote said in the Elliott house hold this morning as Eleanor was heading out to work:

    Eleanor: "Alright I'm heading out"

    Chris: "Ok"

    Eleanor: "Have a good day, second place loser"

    Chris: "You too champ"

    I'm more worried what my in-laws are going to say to me when they find out I lost a poker game to their daughter.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Actual quote said in the Elliott house hold this morning as Eleanor was heading out to work:

    Eleanor: "Alright I'm heading out"

    Chris: "Ok"

    Eleanor: "Have a good day, second place loser"

    Chris: "You too champ"

    I do believe I called you "Number Two" not, second place loser. ;)
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Eleanor took a HUGE bite into her hubby's stack  :D leaving him moaning in agony.
    That sounds dirty. And to think I was home sipping on a hot chocolate at the time...

    If you think it sounds dirty, you should have seen it!
  • ElElliott wrote:
    If you think it sounds dirty, you should have seen it!
    Oh, it's already been posted on the internet.
  • And I'll bet you thought the camera was for only taking CHAMP and CHUMP pics, didn't you?? :D
  • Good show ElElliot. Looks like I'm gonna have to start fighting for position.
  • derksen wrote:
    Looks like I'm gonna have to start fighting for position.

    Is it me...or is this thread suddenly becoming MUCH more SUGGESTIVE? Not that I mind, just an observation. :D
  • derksen wrote:
    Good show ElElliot. Looks like I'm gonna have to start fighting for position.

    Yup - I imagine it'll be a real battle between you and Greg for 2nd ;)
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Is it me...or is this thread suddenly becoming MUCH more SUGGESTIVE? Not that I mind, just an observation. :D

    It's all Greg's fault :D
  • Eleanor is out to win and she is looking to crack some nuts

  • And I'm sure she has been practising at home! Poor Chris :'(

    Just remember Eleanor, you are now in sole possession of THE TARGET, and everyone will be aiming to take you out (again, POOR CHRIS :'( ).

    Ummm, Chris, how does it feel to know so many guys are so looking forward to taking your wife out? And how does SHE feel about it?
  • El plays g00t. She will win. (Anytime I'm not there)
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