(GAME OVER)K/W Cash Game 2/4 nl Saturday Jan 14th D's Place

Get ready for another night at Damians. For those of you that have been here before you know exactly what to expect. The game usually runs right through the night and into the early morning. We are always welcome to new players stopping by. Like always food and beverages (full bar) are included on the house. Yes we do provide a professional table and professional dealer (over 20 yeras exp.), so if you enjoy playing poker, please come out and have some fun, and meet some new friendly faces.
Feel free to give us a call anytime with any questions or concerns about our game or location.
We're aiming for a 8pm start...

Yes you can reserve a seat.
For more info call

Damian 519 574-7045

Thank you to everyone that has come out to play in the past...we had a full table all night last week (when we finally got started).
Congratulations to all of last weeks winners!!!!!!!

Tonights line up

2.Sammy "pure husler"
5.Eddie "WOW I FLOPED QUAD :kc :kd :ks :kh"
10.Mingh 'the master'


  • There has been some things said here about Damian and the game he runs. For the record, I have played at his place and had a good time. Damian has always been kind to me and brought more than his share of friend to West Side Poker Club events in the past and I know he will continue to do so in the future.

    The main difference or the one that I would like to focus on is that Damian club is really for the high rollers. He advertizes 2 and 3 thousand in pots. You can seethe many threads posted. I can't compete at that level. So it is hard for me to get out. I told him if his 75.00 sit n go was on tuesday, I would have gone, but his was held the same night as mine.

    People will go where they feel comfortable bottom line. West Side Poekr Club has had as low as numbers as 27 in a tournament after 58 said they were coming. Now we get over 100 at our events.

    On another note.

    I have always found it best if there is something you didn't like about a persons game to respond to them in a PM and let them bring the answer to the public form.

    Just my thoughts. Good luck to Damian and Abdual in the Canadians at the end of the month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Brent Wilson aka Prophet 22

    West Side Poker Club
  • Thank you very much Brent, your support is greatly appreciated... :D

    I wouldn't call my game the game for high rollers...many guys have bought in for $100 and lasted thought the night...more importantly made great $$$$$ cause their poker players and not gamblers. The key is simply to get here early before the larger amounts of cash start coming onto the table.

    My main focus is to keep my players comfortable...that's why i give so much back to my players...look out for up coming free rolls.

    However I am planing to open my doors to a wide variety of games...I love doing small tournaments and sitngos. My place will be re-locating in the next month so I can have more then just one table and one game.

    I think the key is for everyone in our poker community to stand united and support each other[/b

    If your not comfortable with jumping on my table right away..please fell free just to pop by for a drink and check things out... I'll be more then happy to host you.

    Hope to see everyone at a poker table soon :ah :ad
  • Well we went well into the morning today...but tonight's game is still a go.
    Just like last week we are expecting a full table...please call to reserve your seat.

    Currently 9 guys have confermed.

    See you tonight :ah :ad
  • How often do you open?? I've been looking for a 'bigger' buy in game for a while in the Guelph K/W area. p.m me if you wish :D:D
  • Happy420 wrote:
    How often do you open?? I've been looking for a 'bigger' buy in game for a while in the Guelph K/W area. p.m me if you wish :D:D

    We don't follow a normal schedule...things just come together at any time...there is always a game on Saturdays and at least one during the week.

    There is a strong chance of a game coming together tomorrow.....feel free to stop by anytime tonight...it's going to be a long one.
  • Thank you everyone that came out...What a great night...I'm surprised how much fun we can have playing poker.

    Congratulations RANDY last nigh s big winner!!!!!!!!!!
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