Would you like to see this are divided by regions?

For members and visitors (lurkers..register dangit!) would you like to see this area 'home games' divded geographically? Meaning, have sub-forums within "home games" for

"greater Toronto area games"
"southern Ontario games"
"Calgary games"



  • I voted yes, but maybe I could add a little too, maybe we could have sub-sub-groups.

    As in there would be Tri-City area, and then one for Guelph one for Cambridge and one for K-W
    Or GTA then Etobicoke, Mississagua, Toronto, Scarbourogh....Well you get the point.
  • I thought about this a while back, Scotty and I exchanged a couple PMs on the topic and we both agreed it wouldn't gain that much. What would go in the "main" section then? Just questions about hosting games and blind schedules (i.e. "Ask Zithal")? I actually read posts from the "what's new?" link, which means breaking things up really won't improve my usage of the site, except that it would resolve me not reading threads with poor subject lines that don't describe the location of the game being advertised. I think you would get lots of posts in the wrong spots, which would end up with lots of "Sloth, could you please move my home-game post to ...."

  • i like having sub categories..but i think having a sub sub categorie is a bit of overkill..besids i like reading about games in kitchener and waterloo..and really there aren't many posts for strictly guelph games. Really..there are 3 main posters for guelph games, 3 or 4 for kitchener and 3 or so for waterloo..i think i can sift through that much to find my loverly guelph game!
    just my two cents!
  • I think with Kelly's and the Ryder Cup split out it doesn't make much more sense. But I wouldn't cry about it either way.
  • I like things the way they are right now...it's nice too see what kind of game are offered Canada wide.
    i think that maybe you should split up home games vs club games or organized game
  • As one who travels a fair bit to play poker NO. I don't want to have to look in KW or Toronto or whatever to read what's on. Just let me click home games and browse.
  • I don't think its necessary. Most people would travel to play (TwoThree, AcidJoe), so it will be easier to just browse from one main page. Also, I tend to find too many sub-groups becomes annoying. Most people read threads that are marked "unread" since their last visit anyways, so it might be more convenient to have them all in one page and let them browse, rather then having them go through 2-3 subgroups.
  • I like think the way they are right now...it's nice see see what kind of game are offered Canada wide.
    i think that maybe you should split up home games vs club games or organized game
    Might save a few squabbles, eh? LOL.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    As one who travels a fair bit to play poker NO.  I don't want to have to look in KW or Toronto or whatever to read what's on.  Just let me click home games and browse. 

    Well it could be broken down by Province
  • I voted yes, as I had brought this up awhile ago as well. Just seems that there are so many posts going through the home games sections, it's sometimes difficult to find local games. And with the increased postings happening (pay-for-post), it's only going to make it more difficult to locate certain games. Alot of us only cruise by the forum randomly, and a new game post can be bumped to page two in only a few minutes.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    As one who travels a fair bit to play poker NO.  I don't want to have to look in KW or Toronto or whatever to read what's on.  Just let me click home games and browse. 

    I agree with Joe here. We share the same problem.
  • I don't mind going through the section as is but if it was to be broken down I would vote to do it by province. Again this may not save much as most of the games are located in Ontario but this could change in the future.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I like think the way they are right now...it's nice see see what kind of game are offered Canada wide.
    i think that maybe you should split up home games vs club games or organized game
    Might save a few squabbles, eh? LOL.

    You guys love me!!!!! :D

    Thanks for the back-up, pkfce9; I appreciate that.
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