Online poker rooms
I've been reading through this a lot for some tips/tricks etc....and i'm wondering what you think the best room is?
I'm drawn to, for it's java based platform, and fairly good games. But (and here's the rub) i haven't played any other poker rooms due to not being able to find any other java based clients. Every poker room i've looked at is a manditroy D/L, and i'm not a fan of spywear on my cpu. Sooo...any suggestions for me? Is eurobet good? How bout it java based? if not, does the downloaded software slow your computer to a crawl and make you want to gouge both of your eyes out while waiting to see if your competition is betting or folding?
And what about the play there? is it "all in" first hand because they have 89 sooted? (and if so..sign me up!) or is it pretty good competition?
I'm drawn to, for it's java based platform, and fairly good games. But (and here's the rub) i haven't played any other poker rooms due to not being able to find any other java based clients. Every poker room i've looked at is a manditroy D/L, and i'm not a fan of spywear on my cpu. Sooo...any suggestions for me? Is eurobet good? How bout it java based? if not, does the downloaded software slow your computer to a crawl and make you want to gouge both of your eyes out while waiting to see if your competition is betting or folding?
And what about the play there? is it "all in" first hand because they have 89 sooted? (and if so..sign me up!) or is it pretty good competition?
Party is not cumbersome to my computer at all... In fact, you can have 10 tables open at once now, and I find no problems with lagginess.
Competition-wise, Party is known as being one of the softer sites to play at.
If you're serious about your game, you might want to get pokertracker which afaik does not work with the online clients.
If you're on a mac, there's also a native client for fullcontactpoker in beta. I wouldn't trust my money to it until it's settled a bit.
oh yeah, no spyware either...
Graphics, no spyware, soft low level games
I like Party as well - as I find the lower level games (as thats what I play) very soft