My Questions????

First of all, hello board!

I'm just trying to get the slang down on this board and I'm unsure of what many of the acronyms are.

What is a 'rail-bird thread'?

SB player? - small blind maybe?


  • Railbird = an observer.  In other words, all those people you see watching a final table on TV are "railbirds".  If you're watching a friend play online, you are railbirding.  If you're reading updates online about how a friend is doing in a tournament in a different country, you are in essence railbirding.

    Thread = a series of posts in one particular topic.  So, yours was the first post in this thread, and mine is the second.

    SB = small blind

    If that sounded in any way condescending I don't mean it to be, at all... just trying to be thorough.  Welcome to the forum, and feel free to ask any more questions you may have.

    hud = ummm, I'm not sure. HU = Heads Up, or one-on-one poker action. HUD maybe "heads up defense"? but I'm just guessing here.
  • thanks all aces! not condescending at all, just the info I was looking for.

    What is 'rags'?
  • all_aces wrote:
    hud = ummm, I'm not sure.  HU = Heads Up, or one-on-one poker action.  HUD maybe "heads up defense"?  but I'm just guessing here.

    It was in relation to this post
  • Here's an old thread with a pretty good glossary of poker terms:

    Also, search Google for "poker glossary" or "poker terms" and you'll get a lot of useful hits.

    "Rags" is slang for bad cards.

  • hud = hope you die, enjoy the happy world of online poker
  • There are several programs that display your collected stats about opponents. One such program is PA HUD which stands for Heads Up Display. PA is poker aces I believe. Game Time + also does the same thing.
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    hud = hope you die, enjoy the happy world of online poker

    this is what i always thought it was also.
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