The Legends of Bristol St. - DISCUSSION



  • Bravo Johnny Bravo! I really wanted to hear how that hand ended though, I was getting really excited. Let me guess, you hit your runner runner flush draw.

  • man, that colour lettering takes a while.......

    and yes shannon, of course i'd hit it against you!

    love buddy, love

  • That was really good. One small correction, though...

    There is no good German beer.
  • I would disagree with that Rob.

    Although, Lager beers replaced many of the traditional German beers due to their modern popularity, I have found some German beer that is quite nice. I myself prefer a stronger darker beer.

    Paulander's Original Munchner Dunkel is a great beer if you are partial the darker barley malt beverages.
  • Actually their Marzen is actually quite nice. It was the original beer of Oktoberfest.

    You cant possibley believe that the country of Oktoberfest couldnt create a good beer???

    If it wasnt for refrideration we would all still be drinking Marzen.
  • TNORTH wrote:
    I would disagree with that Rob.

    Although, Lager beers replaced many of the traditional German beers due to their modern popularity, I have found some German beer that is quite nice. I myself prefer a stronger darker beer.

    Paulander's Original Munchner Dunkel is a great beer if you are partial the darker barley malt beverages.

    Can we move this conversation to the favourite beer thread? Lol.

  • Yeah I ll move the thread.

    Oh, and by the way - my car seems to be ironically too full for you - have fun thumbing it :)
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