Oaklahoma? 10 Game! Guelph! (this is omaha so there is no confusion)

"I dont have to explain my art to you warren" -empire records

Guelph Games are back and better than ever!
Well....better may not be the word......btu we're back! :)
We'll be play omaha at my place on thursday night...maybe a 5 dollar 7 card stud game after if there is time.
be there. or be SQUARE.
dont be square..it's just not cool. grease told me so.

1. Mark
2. Vegas Tim (i know he WANTS to be there)
3. MirMir
4. Sandro the titan
5. Cowboy Mikey
6. Nadine (maybe..she doesn't like change much)
7. ante river (real name eludes me at the moment)
8. Rockwood Bill
9. Big Mike


  • Mark,

    Tentatively book in Ante River for Thursday. I will wait for him to get back to me.
  • Count me in. I was watching the WSOP Pot Limit Oregon last night. Based on one hour of viewing, I feel I have mastered the game:)
  • gladly!
    any friend of poker, is a friend of mine! (what?!)
    It's looking like it will be a good game...i even told the girlfriend i'd get her a ring if she got me a big screen TV..huh? huh?
    that was a really round about way of saying "big mike? you in?!"
  • You bastard. You know I could wipe the floor with you in Ohio. But you scheduled the game for a Thursday. :rage:

    That's ok, I can see that you planned it that way so that I couldn't come out, 'cause yer yellah.

    You guys thought about the Super Crazy Insane Fun Rebuy at all, I rescheduled that for the 21st, so it doesn't collide with Beanie's game.
  • hehe....i dunno.i'm pretty sure my 268kos could KILL any hand you brough out!
    how come you can't come out on a thursday?
  • Id totally take you all down in Ontario or whatever (BTW Mark your a joke thief)
    But im at wokr (boooooo)
    Talk to you later
    River Mike
  • Dawn works Thursday night and the last time I tied the kids up so I could go out the neighbours complained
  • I'm trying to get over, not sure if I can make it yet...

    Please pm me directions and I'll post here tomorrow...thx!
  • Any room left for me to get another headache playing this game??? I would of responded earlier but I must of missed the post.
  • done and done! should be a good night!
    what is the interest for a 7 stud game after?
    who knows....it's CRAZY!
  • I would like to play afterwards if it isn't too late. I want to get some live practice in before the tourney.
  • I will send you the blind schedule for the competition so we can practice with them.
  • Sandro, if you can send it via email to my personal account..or send it to your account and we'll d/l it and plug it into my tourney director. ...it'll be all good!
    do we want side bets on which mike will win?
    i'm not sure who i'd put my money on...
  • Wow cowboy, you must have a lot of time to sit around and think about me. Thats very nice of you, if you want I can bring the picture of me so you can put it in your wallet you can think of me all the time.
  • If you are going to be autographing them can I get a copy :D
  • Mark

    I sent them in notepad and in Excel form. I hope that helps
  • hehe, yeah i found them after i sent that message..it's all good, i'll set it all up (or..like....maybe...)
  • Can I haev a PM for tonight's directions, I should be able to make it...
  • Mark would you PM the man the directions already jeez :)

  • Thanks for the practice game.
    I'm changing my name to ANTE RUNNER RUNNER.
    See you next week folks...
  • Well, last night was a great game..some suprises.....some CRAZY rivers...some unbeleivable rivers....and some ACE high hands that really shouldn't have been (i'll put you all in. call. what you go? ace high? shit..i only got a king...).
    Vegas Tim took it down after trailing for a while and then taking multiple pots and then my mid chip stack to absorb into his huge chip stack locking the win up. Big mike came in second (and heads up only lasted one hand *coughsandrocough*.
    Miranda went out one hand after me (i knew i should have folded to tims raise....it just wasn't a big enough raise and i floped an open ended straight!).
    The team had a great showing..lots of smart poker...even more people getting a brutal river (kings full on the flop beaten on the river by aces full?! COME ON! that only happens on fixed internet cardrooms right?!).

    all in all a great game! see everyone next tuesday.
    accually..we'll see 7 of you next tuesdasy as we are playing 7 stud. If we get 14 interested..i'll open up my second table..but only cuz i like you guys so much.

  • Heads up lasted three hands, won the first one, second tim folded then lost the third after leading preflop..... gotta love those twos!!!!
  • crap really?
    i was just pissed at myself for going up against chip lead..i only started paying attention on the last hand!
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