5.50 45 player sng at stars hand question

I was playin a 5.50 45 player sng at stars last night and i have a quick question. I have around 3500 in chips. blinds were at 50/100 I am dealt JJ utg. i make a standard 3xbb bet of 300. folds around to a player that plays alot of limp aces. he reraises all in for 3600 and change. there are 22 players left. My question is do i call him for eveything or should i fold and wait for a better spot to get my chips in. I called and he showed A Q and he rivered a Q and i was eliminated.
So my thinking now is i shouldnt of called for everythin with jj cuz more then likely he had atleast overs and maybe beter pair. Am I right in my later analysis or was callin the right play.


  • ida folded, but it depends
  • It's an awfully big reraise... with the chips that deep, I'd fold.
  • I don't play at poker stars, however at 50/100 you are not very far along in the tourney. 3rd level? I don't usually start to play any hands really till this point. You have a very large stack compared to the blinds, and were

    A) way ahead (pair lower than yours)
    B) way behind (pair higher than yours)
    c) Most likely in a coin toss to double up.

    That early in the tournament I would have folded unless I had AA or KK. If he had shown and you not called would you have felt better? Probably not knowing you were slightly ahead. Now if you had a stack of 10K and he had 3.5K I most likely would have called to knock him out and send a very aggressive message.
  • I think folding is fine, though if he's the type to play his big pairs fancy as you suggest it's less likely he has QQ-AA, so Iwouldn't blame you either way.
  • Still early in the tourney, still had lots of chips with lots of time. Besides JJ isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's the Dumb Blonde pair...looks really good, but not worth it. AA, KK, QQ, AK, AQ, AQ stand a good chance of beating you. Fold the pair and keep in the game and wait for another oppurtunity to push your money in.
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