Game 8 Results

Good start to the new year for Justin tonight, as he battled back against Jeff's big stack to take down his first victory in the league tonight. Great Game Justin, you earned your $200 tonight.

Second went to Jeff (TheBusDriver) who held a huge chip stack most of the evening, only to see it whittle away with the blinds (and playing 8 out of 10 hands might have something to do with it too). But you still took home $120 tonight, and that should be bumping you up on the league board into third place.

Third place went to David, who's first money finish earned him $80. But folding JJ?? Hmmmmmmm...

Great game tonight. I will have the Leader Boards and pics sent out by the weekend.

See you all next week!!!


  • I too witness an amazing event after the JJ fold. A faint blue aura began to glow around David. Then over his shoulder the virgin Mary appeared. She leaned over and whispered in his ear... "You are one tight bitch!"

    I on the other hand denounced the way of the virgin, to join the order of the drunken sailor. I played the most powerful game of my league career. Many bare the tell tale tire tracks on their backs from being run over by the bus. It wasn't a matter of who I eliminated, it was a question of who I didn't eliminate. I got last weeks champ, one of the Elliots maybe two, Greg 23:15 (before 23:15), AJ, the new guy, the points leader! I neutralized all threats! What else do I need to do? I think with so many victims, the bus must have gotten a flat running one of you over, and in the end my long time nemesis beat me with the power of the river.

    As for 8 of 10 calls, AA, JJ, 88, AK(suited), 22, 44, Q10, JJ (again), QQ, and A7 (suited). Which 2 of those 10 would you fold?
  • Which 2 of those 10 would you fold?

  • I too witness an amazing event after the JJ fold.  A faint blue aura began to glow around David.  Then over his shoulder the virgin Mary appeared.  She leaned over and whispered in his ear...  "You are one tight bitch!"

    I on the other hand denounced the way of the virgin, to join the order of the drunken sailor.  I played the most powerful game of my league career.  Many bare the tell tale tire tracks on their backs from being run over by the bus.  It wasn't a matter of who I eliminated, it was a question of who I didn't eliminate.  I got last weeks champ, one of the Elliots maybe two, Greg 23:15 (before 23:15), AJ, the new guy, the points leader!  I neutralized all threats!  What else do I need to do?  I think with so many victims, the bus must have gotten a flat running one of you over, and in the end my long time nemesis beat me with the power of the river.

    As for 8 of 10 calls, AA, JJ, 88, AK(suited), 22, 44, Q10, JJ (again), QQ, and A7 (suited).  Which 2 of those 10 would you fold?

    I found it difficult to make a move towards then end with the monster known as THE BUS DRIVER sitting to my left and knew any hand I was going to play it was going to be an all-in.

    Over good game every one.

    BTW Justin was the one that put me out....sorry Jeff; you'll have to wait until next week for a chance to put me out.
  • Congrats Justin!
  • it was a question of who I didn't eliminate.
    The answer is: the only guy you had to eliminate: Justin. Man, that final three was brutal again this week. I think the Virgin Mary was hovering over the entire table. We need to start using antes to speed up the action.

    You didn't take me out. Justin did. But you took most of my chips on an earlier hand. Great double knockout with JJ against Eleanor and AJ I think. That one turned you into the big stack bully for the first time I've ever seen that. Very nice.

    Great post! I need a hot chocolate now.
  • Bwa ha ha... still in the lead with the target on my back... sweet, sweet target, I'm growing to love you more and more each week.

    Good game Justin. Nice to see you've broke even!

    Hey Greg... what in god's name (or the virgin mary's) happened? Thought you were moving up in the ranks. Downgraded from Bride's maid to Flower Girl to what.... ugly second cousin with a pitty invite? Not sure what happens next...

    Anyway, see y'all next week.
  • derksen wrote:
    what in god's name (or the virgin mary's) happened?
    You busted out early and ran home for a hot chocolate so you missed all the excitement. Awww... that's too bad. (I will never get tired of that saying!)

    Like I said, when the bus driver raises, get your car keys ready. He took half my stack and from then on I was on life support. The Virgin Mary was unable to perform a miracle for me at the river when I needed it. I need one of those Buddy Jesus card protectors.
  • THE BUS MUST BE STOPPED!!!  But who among us has the power to stop it once it starts rolling?  I for one, don't want to be in it's path!

    Religious icon card protectors??  Hmmmm, well okay, I think we have a rule about that...

    No Outside Help!!
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