Free Heads Up Tournament

I competed in a free live heads up tournament in Etobicoke on Friday night. Sixty four people qualified in the sudden death championship. I won in the first two rounds against higher seeds, and it was down to 16 finalists.

I was up more than 1,000 chips against one of the top seeds, but I made my worst blunder of the night when I called his all-in when I only had a straight draw. :fish: All the other matches had finished, so whoever lost between us would be in ninth place. Everybody was watching when I re-raised all-in with my :ah :3c against his :jd :9s. If I had won, we would have been back to even, but unfortunately, he hit his 9. :'(

They started to hand out some prizes for the 8 finalists. I asked what 9th place got, but all I got were a bunch of handshakes and pats on the back. Every time I have played in this bar, I finished in 9th place and on the bubble. Maybe I should change my nickname to "Bubble Fish"!

There will probably be another free heads-up tournament with another poker tour by April.

P.S. Happy New Year!
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