Poll: online disconnection ethics

I was playing a 1K buy-in sit-and-go at Party last night, when the following situation came up.

We were heads-up.  1st place paid $4500, 2nd place paid $2500.  We were roughly equal in chips... he might have had a slight lead on me.

The blinds were 300/600 with 10K total chips in play.  It's important to note that 300/600 is the final blind limit for these SNG's--there were to be no more increases, so that wasn't a factor.  My opponent disconnected.  Party gave him the extra disconnection time, but he was gone (for a while, as it turned out).

My opponent wasn't an asshole, if that would be a factor in your response... he hadn't put bad beat after bad beat on his opponents, he hadn't typed anything stupid in the chatbox, etc.   I had nothing against him... he had played well and deserved the win as much as I thought I did.

So... what's your course of action?


  • Well, youre not playing poker to be a nice guy. I wouldn't sit around forever waiting for someone to come back, but I think I'd wait around 5 minutes folding the blinds to keep the stacks even. After that, you don't really know when he's coming back. Do what I think most other people would do to you and blind him out. As a side note, I think stealing the blinds right away is wrong unless the guy was an asshole. Give him time to restart his computer or do whatever to get back online, but if it doesn't happen soon I don't think theres any obligation to not steal his stack.
  • Well maybe im a bad guy, but Id take all his blinds as fast as I can. Having a stable connection is a part of online poker, and losing your conn is just another way to take a bad beat. Its lame, but its just part of the game, and the point of the game is to win. Having said that, I never disconnect on purpose myself to see a showdown, or slowroll, or do anything else remotely shady, but i just see this situation as "shit happens", so take hte guys money and hope next time its not you who loses his connection.

    I suppose if you wanted to be really generous you could sit out until he gets back, but at what point do u give up? I mean for all you know hes never coming back.
  • This kind of situation happened in one of the first TCP tournies. The remaining player asked what to do. Most players watching suggested to play slowly and wait for the other to reconnect. The other did, then proceeded to win the tourney. Painful for the guy who waited, but most definately a class act.

    If it were me, I would wait if I am playing in a special/friendly tourney like the TCP tournies, otherwise, I go hard at cleaning the guy out before he returns.
  • I voted option 2. It seems like a decent compromise but I don't think I could sit out because I wouldn't expect most of my opponents to be so generous in the reverse situation.
  • I resolved that I wouldn't let poker change who I was.  Had this happen when I first started playing.  It was a heads up match, with no prize but prestige. I waited for the guy to get  back.  After that I decided that it was the right thing to do, and would do the same if it was for money.  And, I can say I've done it with money on the line during heads up matches with escallating blinds.  I think good karma is good -- no matter the result.

    Personally, I'd give a reasonable time -- something like 5-10 minutes and then start blinding the guy away. I think you can't wait more than that, as there could be so many reasons why he's disconnected and won't be back.

  • I realize people say take every edge you can, but i simply find doing what i feel most comfortable and extending a coutesy that i hope others would extend me is the right thing to do.

    I would give him some time 5 minutes seems about fair and then start blinding him away. You can't be expected to sit there and wait forever for a guy to return.
  • Take his stack as fast as you can! But hey, I'm a jerk.
  • I would probably just play a hand the way I normally would... not stealing on purpose like exploiting his away status and stealing with 8-2 and stuff, but if I had a hand that I would raise with, I'm not going to let it go.... I mean, if he's away and I get aces, I'll "steal" it... but of course, you have to be reasonable too, I'm not really sure what I would do with a hand like K-4o... because I would sometimes raise with that...

  • magithighs wrote:
    I resolved that I wouldn't let poker change who I was.
    Totally agree. The only thing you really have is your integrity, and you reap what you sow (eventually). I think the times given (5-10 minutes) are very reasonable.
    DrTyore wrote:
    if I had a hand that I would raise with, I'm not going to let it go
    The flip side of this is that the disconnected guy could have gotten AA in the SB and folded.

    Personally, I'm in favour of the first option, although I can see why people would choose the third. I don't see the point of the second though (blind him slowly) - either keep it even or take his money as quick as you can. Anything else is teasing ;)
  • Very tough question......I've never been in that situation and what I say I would do and what I actually do, MIGHT be two different things. I think that my previous experience with my opponent MIGHT be a factor. If he's an asshole I steal all his blinds, if he's a nice guy I give him the time he needs to re-connect.
  • Heads up and this has happened to me (on both ends of the spectrum).

    When I was sitting across from the disconnected person I gave a very genrous 5-10 minutes for them to reconnect. after that I started blinding him out.

    When it happened to me once (I was the short stack at the time about 1 chip to his 3 or there about), I had my router crap out on me and had to reset the whole connection. (Took about 5-8 minutes to do) By the time I had gotten back on line I was down to about 200 chips or so. I am not sure if he waited 5min or not but I think he did wait at least 3 minutes or so since I figured that if he had been blinding me off I would have had no chips left.
  • It happened to me to on one end. It was like $20 2 table SnG. The other guy haven't talked much and haven't really made any bad calls and put a bad beat on anyone and won a couple of races to take a couple of players out. I sat out for the first 3-5 minutes, and then proceeded to take his blinds but not at a rapid pace. He ended up just getting blinded out.

    Thats probably what I would do unless the guy has been a complete jerk, but when the money is up there ($1000 SnG, or even $100 SnG), I am not sure if I can say I will do what I did in the $20 SnG.
  • With these kind of stakes and assuming I was half as wealthy as Devin, I'd like to think I'd give the guy a couple of minutes to reconnect. I don't know how long you can be expected to reasonably wait for someone to get their piece of crap back online.

    I was in an interesting situation in a SNG. We were at the bubble and one of the players had been sitting out for some time. He was down to the short stack by now and another player had a slightly larger stack and could simply sit on his hands and get to the money. I was a mid stack and the big stack was raising nearly every hand, daring one of us to risk busting out when we were basically guaranteed making money by taking it prison style willingly. I'm curious what strategies people would use if they were in the various players' shoes.
  • I completly agree with magi. Its all about karma. If the guy has been a dick all game, this is karma getting him back and he deserves to lose, if he was a class act and you don't show him the same respect...watch out, karmas comin back for you! However I do think after 5-10 minutes I would grow bored and start to play quicker.
  • I would wait for his return. If after 10 minutes he did not return, I would take the chips.

    I agree with the Karma statement. If this happenned to you, I am sure there would be a post about it here the next day. I personally view it as a bit of angle shooting.

    This has happenned to me before and I waited. It was the beginning of a Heads Up match on Paradise and I waited. Did my opponennt appreciate it? I don't know. But I don't want to win like that. But that's just me. If I am given too much change I return it.
  • You guys are full of it. 52% of those who voted say they would blind this guy as fast as possable yet almost everyone says they would give this guy time to re-boot. Poker is about making money not friends of people you don't know who live 1000's of miles away. You play on-line with the risk that you might have connection problems. $2000 difference between 1st place and 2nd............................screw the buddy, buddy crap and take the cash. Okay, go ahead, start the bashing.

  • Hammer wrote:
    $2000 difference between 1st place and 2nd............................screw the buddy, buddy crap and take the cash.  Okay, go ahead, start the bashing.
    LOL - great post. As mine shows, I disagree, but no bashing here - at least you're being brutally honest :)
  • Hammer wrote:
    You guys are full of it. 52% of those who voted say they would blind this guy as fast as possable yet almost everyone says they would give this guy time to re-boot. Poker is about making money not friends of people you don't know who live 1000's of miles away. You play on-line with the risk that you might have connection problems. $2000 difference between 1st place and 2nd............................screw the buddy, buddy crap and take the cash. Okay, go ahead, start the bashing.


    Thats why I said in my post that if the money is up there, I'm not sure if I will wait around for the guy to comes back.
  • You guys are full of it.

    Post of the year.
  • Say I'm full of it. I don't care. I know what I would do and what I have done. I believe in Karma. I return money that I find, I take the blame for things that I have done and I try to be as honest as possible. I was taught the exact opposite. But I do what I think is right.
  • Live tourney. Guy makes the mistake of eating the Pepi's pizza on the break. Before the next break he has to make a sudden trip to the can. Do you wait?
  • Hammer wrote:
    You guys are full of it.  52% of those who voted say they would blind this guy as fast as possable yet almost everyone says they would give this guy time to re-boot.  Poker is about making money not friends of people you don't know who live 1000's of miles away.  You play on-line with the risk that you might have connection problems.  $2000 difference between 1st place and 2nd............................screw the buddy, buddy crap and take the cash.  Okay, go ahead, start the bashing.


    Yep, I know soooo many folks who's actions are not in line with their talk.  Fortunately, all the folks I've met from this forum would lead me to believe they do what they say.  Each person has been a pretty upstanding, straight up person who are not only trustworthy, but also give of themselves freely.  They do the right thing.

    Like I said, I wouldn't let poker change who I am and feel it shouldn't change others.   So, you should do what you think is appropriate.

  • moose wrote:
    Live tourney.  Guy makes the mistake of eating the Pepi's pizza on the break.  Before the next break he has to make a sudden trip to the can.  Do you wait?

    Pause the game and eat the rest of his pizza!

  • westside8 wrote:
    Thats why I said in my post that if the money is up there, I'm not sure if I will wait around for the guy to comes back.
    magithighs wrote:
    Like I said, I wouldn't let poker change who I am and feel it shouldn't change others.   So, you should do what you think is appropriate.
    No offense, but this is where I think a slight mistake is made, and I totally agree with Lou.  Regardless of which side you choose, why should the stakes change your decision?  That's like saying stealing a DVD ($20) from an unwatched truck is bad, but a TV ($500) might be something you'd do.  This is a less clear-cut issue than stealing, but your character and integrity shouldn't be for sale.  Blind him out or don't, but make a decision and go with it, whether for $5 or $5000. Sermon over (and I still luv ya Wes ;) ).
  • The situation happened to me the first MTT I ever won. I waited for about 10 hands and then started raising. The player came back and I gave back half the blinds by having her raise my BB and I would fold (had AA one time too). I live online via dial up so I know the issues that can occur.

    I'd wait a few mins in general but there is a point at which you just have to take the other persons blinds - what if they arent able to get back on? Do you want to wait for 30 mins?
  • Wow... some interesting, and very ethical, responses!

    I think I'm going to make this the subject of my next CPP article.  That wasn't my intent when I first posted this...  but now I need a topic and this is interesting me.  Don't worry, I won't steal any ideas.  Blinds are another matter.  I'll just write my own thoughts on the subject, although I may include the poll results and very general comments about the variety of responses I've read.

    For the first few hands after Party gave him the time, I played slow.  And then I thought: what the hell am I doing.  Then I tried to take all of his blinds as quickly as I could.  I did this by checking the 'Muck Losing/Uncalled Hands' button to speed things along, and I just called from the small.  It auto-folds him to even just a call, and that way if he came back at the last second I wouldn't be risking many of my chips by raising.

    He reconnected when his stack was down to about 1200 to my 8800.  Doubled up to 2400 to my 7600, and then again to 4800 to my 5200.  We were pretty much even again, and then I went on to win it anyways.  But it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth... soured the victory a bit, which is why I thought I'd see what you folks would have done. 

    Would I do anything differently next time?  Probably not.  An edge is an edge is an edge, as long as you're not cheating.  I think that's an important distinction to make... "Taking advantage of a situation" vs. "Cheating".  Exactly where people draw the line between the two is up to them, and it looks like there are some damn fine human beings on the forum.  My hat is off to them.

    I think the discussion about stakes being a factor/non-factor is an interesting one.  For example, if it was a play money game, I'd have probably waited for my opponent to reconnect.  If it was a $20 SNG--which, without being deliberately smarmy, is about the same thing to me--same deal, I'd probably have waited for him to reconnect.  What's the difference?  Money.  When you're playing at the higher end of stakes you can afford to play at, you care about the outcome in a very real way, and you'll do just about anything (within the rules of the game) to swing it your way.  That's poker!
  • all_aces wrote:
    What's the difference?  Money.  When you're playing at the higher end of stakes you can afford to play at, you care about the outcome in a very real way, and you'll do just about anything (within the rules of the game) to swing it your way.  That's poker!

    Exactly, whether it's $20 or $2000 you're playing to win. The site gave him the extra disconnect time that's life deal with it, take his blinds without over committing your chips.
  • if it was a play money game, I'd have probably waited for my opponent to reconnect
    Help me to understand how winning a play money game via disconnection means anything? That is exactly the kind of game I'd want to end quickly - just to get it over.

    The whole point is you were playing for real money and in your case, enough that it mattered to you. At least your values can't be compromised cheaply.
  • I don't think either decision can be said to be "wrong". On one side its ment to be "polite", the other side is money. Lets be honest, I would say a LARGE % of players out there would not be so kind as to play it slow, the majority would take full advantage of their edge and blind you out as quickly as possible. I believe the decision should be made on what type of attitude he has had towards the table. If he has been an ass to everyone, blind him out! If he has been a curtious player, give him a couple minutes. If he has been a mute and you can't decided either way, make a judgement call.
  • I disagree with referring to someone not be at a table being called an "edge". It's not an edge, it is an outright unfair advantage. An edge is being a better player, having better skills at reading the table, knowing the odds.

    On the reverse side I am pretty sure no one would want to lose a tournament the same way due to a power failure or a problem with your ISP.

    In the end it is an ethical question. There are no steadfast rules about it. But I am sure not as many people would be apt to use this technique in a live tournament if you had to look at your opponent in the face afterwards.
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