Full Tilt Poker points question

I'm thinking about joining fulltilt poker for a promo deal and I was wondering how hard would it be to earn 200 FT points playing
1/2 LHE and $10 SNG's. From what I gather from their site you get a point for every $1 of rake taken from a hand. Is this the same way pokerroom.com awards points, I cleared 1200 points in just over a week there so FT would be a breeze.




  • You are correct. 200 points is an hour, two at the most.
  • Whats the promo deal Red?
  • You gotta check out www.pokersourceonline.com.
    I use them to get points and then buy stuff from their store. You get 6000 points for a promo plus whatever the poker site gives you (100% match in FT case) 6000 points can get you 3 books or dvd's. Its worth about $60USD I would say. You can also choose free gifts like chip sets etc. check them out and I'm not asking for a referal :) ( Covering my ass for ScottyZ)

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