Ryder Cup of Poker Date (Poll)

Heya all...

I know it's Christmas time, it's Christmas time...it's Christmas Christmas Christmas time but we should really start prioritizing our commitments to this event.  The name is of course one of the important things to figure out but more importantly is THE DATE!  I know some players won't be able to make this happen if they only have 3 weeks notice.  Originally we were aiming for Febuary, is this still plausible?  Please vote for the 'best' date for when you would like to see this happen.  I'll list four dates.  We'll try to compromise but I think the hardest part will be getting the venue for the 'most popular day'.  Add on:  Is Sunday still the day we're aiming for?



  • C'mon guys, Feb 19 is the day after my birthday......nobody wants to play hung over!!!!!!
  • I may have missed something but I thought the plan was to run this on a Saturday, not Sunday,
    but I may have overlooked a post somewhere (last pm I got from Sandro was about the 18th)
  • Saturday would be so much better then Sundays as well, for all of our team!!!
  • I've added Saturday's to the poll, we'll see what people think. Personally, I don't care.

  • My wife works Sundays. Saturdays would be 100% better for me.
  • I think Saturdays would be better for most people because if this event runs into the late hours some people have to work pretty early in th morning ( 5:30 AM) on monday.
  • ItsaMe wrote:
    I think Saturdays would be better for most people because if this event runs into the late hours some people have to work pretty early in th morning ( 5:30 AM) on monday.

    Atta boy, Mario!!!

    I agree.
  • Saturdays are better for me and I"d prefer March to February as Feb. is already full.
  • For sure Saturdays....it is going to be a long day. When is the date going to be formailzed along with the venue??
  • For sure Saturdays....it is going to be a long day.  When is the date going to be formailzed along with the venue??
    It seems Saturdays are the massive favorite, although specific Saturdays aren't listed for voting.  Personally, I think we should go with the originally suggested date of Feb. 18 (Saturday).  Barring that, maybe a Saturday in March (a few people have already mentioned to me that Feb. is filling up already or already full, personally I only have 2 left open).  Also, as I previously mentioned, if it is a Feb date it really needs to be set in the next week (so people can schedule).  Once we have a date I'm sure we can work out the other details (venue, format, etc.) as necessary.

  • Ok so Feb. 18/06 or March 11/06, if the venue guys (Compuease or Sandro) can check on both of those dates then we can finalize our teams and get this thing going.

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    C'mon guys, Feb 19 is the day after my birthday......nobody wants to play hung over!!!!!!

    Hello, my birthday? Anybody listening???

    I vote for March 11.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    JohnnieH wrote:
    C'mon guys, Feb 19 is the day after my birthday......nobody wants to play hung over!!!!!!

    Hello, my birthday?  Anybody listening???

    I vote for March 11.
    It seems to be already set for Feb. 18 - check main thread.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    JohnnieH wrote:
    C'mon guys, Feb 19 is the day after my birthday......nobody wants to play hung over!!!!!!

    Hello, my birthday?  Anybody listening???

    I vote for March 11.

    C'mon, bring Wraychel along and we'll hit the fox and the fiddle afterwards. I'll pitch in for a hotel room. All of your friends are doing it, c'mon!
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