JBird's Christmas Present

Santa came early for JBird tonight, who finally made the money board by taking down First place tonight.  He started out aggressive, looked like he was out to prove his worth, and that he did.  Great Game Jason, even if the last two levels of blinds were boring as HELL to watch!! :D

BusDriver (Jeff) took down second place and also advances to the "Always a Bridesmaid" Position with Pkrfce9.  Eleanor took down third place.  Now I'm not sure how this will affect the leader board, but I believe this would put Eleanor in contention for the Money Leader with Pkrfce9 and Derek.  I will be updating the file and sending it along with the pics very soon.

Best hand of the night...Eleanor holding AA against Derek, and then flopping the other two Aces!!  Very nice!!  And the other hand the will forever live in my mind...Eleanor hitting the boat against my two Jacks and knocking me out as this weeks' CHUMP!!! :rage:  Nicely done Eleanor.

Thanks to everyone who came out tonight.  Thanks to Greg for the special Host gift, much appreciated.  See you all in the NEW YEAR!!! 



  • Thanks AJ! I had a great time, feels good to be up there now...

    Hopefully I'll be there next week to defend the crown, 29th is it?

    p.s. not a bad week for me I guess, I won a 50/50 draw at work, now this, plus all the gifts on sunday!!! oh ya!!!
  • SOMEONE'S ON A ROLL!! :D Better buy some lottery tickets too Jason.

    Actually, the next league game will be on Jan 5 2006.

    IF I do hold a game next week, it'll just be a friendly small buyin tourney, or maybe some 1/2 NL. Either way, I'll let everyone know if I decide to hold a game, and when it will be played.

    Have a great Holiday Season everyone! :ah
  • jbird8306 wrote:
    Thanks AJ! I had a great time, feels good to be up there now...

    Hopefully I'll be there next week to defend the crown, 29th is it?

    p.s. not a bad week for me I guess, I won a 50/50 draw at work, now this, plus all the gifts on sunday!!! oh ya!!!

    Great game J-Bird I knew we were all in trouble after you took down the first few hands.

    Good game all.
  • Likewise, I knew within the first 3 hands of the night.  I said "J, this is your night". 
    Then for the rest of the night I was like Danny Devito singing "Tonight is your night Bro!"
    (I think I also called it during the first 10 minutes when you won AJ) Damn these psychic abilities! Only if I could see myself wining  :rage:

    I apologise for the dismal final round performance, but I was never over 1500 the whole game. I basicall folded my way into second.  I did try to make things interesting with a one card face up all-in.

    JBird, great game, if I could make one critique, it was lack of aggression during the final rounds.  With that kind of chip lead you should have just been blatantly bullying every other pot.  Then again maybe your strategy was to sit back, and let us hang ourselves in desperation, and it obviously worked.  I remember saying to myself "How can I fight destiny".  It was your night, you played like a player reborn.  Keep it up.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Now I'm not sure how this will affect the leader board, but I believe this would put Eleanor in contention for the Money Leader with Pkrfce9 and Derek. 

    Especially since you scored me at 6th spot instead of 4th. I need those 10 points, man...

    Congrats JBird. I thought you were plenty aggressive until the heads up part but it didn't matter at that point anyway with a 10-1 chip lead against the tightest player I have ever had the pleasure of having on my left.

    Merry Christmas everyone. Have a great holiday!
  • I wouldn't rely on that board right now anyway. I noticed a couple of mistakes on it this morning I will have to try to correct over the holidays. The excel file I send out though will be accurate.

  • You used my stack wisely (after stealing it!) Grats!
  • Thanks guys :)

    I knew I would get questioned about my large stack slow playing him at the end, but I figured he was never really large stacked during the entire game to begin with so there was no need to rush, let the blinds dwindle him down...but thanks for the call Jeff on me winning it, I definitely would not have made that prediction so early on!
  • Well.... the first game I walk away from with the wind 'sucked' right out of me. Congrats Jbird. The favour will be returned shortly :D (that goes for you too Hork!)

    Eleanor.... what can I say about that hand... if I'm gonna get knocked out, it might as well be by quad aces! Quad aces??? Where the hell did that hand come from anyway? Good show!

    AJ... I think you may want to edit your first post... BusDriver is Jeff, I'm Derek. If you feel like giving me the points (or the cash), I'll take it.

    Ok - Merry Christams to all. Hope Santa is good to you.

  • derksen wrote:
    Eleanor.... what can I say about that hand... if I'm gonna get knocked out, it might as well be by quad aces! Quad aces??? Where the hell did that hand come from anyway? Good show!
    Funny thing about that hand, you still had 1 out at the river for the royal. AJ's is famous for its rivers, too!

    But not this time. Awwwwwwwwww, that's too bad...
  • derksen wrote:
    AJ... I think you may want to edit your first post... BusDriver is Jeff, I'm Derek. If you feel like giving me the points (or the cash), I'll take it.

    Oops...been corrected. AND NO! You want points? Start sucking out wins like the rest of the league!!!
  • Good game Jason - I knew it was going to be your night when you raised my big blind almost every freaking hand! Argh!

    Can't complain though...flopping trips to a full house was sweet....and then quad Aces against Derek's all in....even I still can't believe that! And for those of you that though the final rounds of blinds were painful to watch, they were even more painful to play. I have to do some serious thinking about how I should have played them differently.

    Big thanks to AJ for making the pre-Christmas tourny extra special with all the goodies (and thanks to Mrs. AJ for putting up with us so close to Christmas!)

    Happy Holidays everyone - see you in the New Year!
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    Eleanor.... what can I say about that hand... if I'm gonna get knocked out, it might as well be by quad aces! Quad aces??? Where the hell did that hand come from anyway? Good show!
    Funny thing about that hand, you still had 1 out at the river for the royal. AJ's is famous for its rivers, too!

    But not this time. Awwwwwwwwww, that's too bad...

    How did I know that was comming? Suprised nobody said that as I got knocked out!!
  • derksen wrote:
    How did I know that was comming? Suprised nobody said that as I got knocked out!!
    Oh, no. That would be much to crass. No one would say something like that when someone got knocked out...
  • I'll make sure to pay more attention to your eloquence Greg. Thanks for the pointer;)
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