Big Comeback - Almost...

I registered for the 8:10 $5+.50 on Stars, and then found out at 8:05 we had a sitter and were going shopping.  Too late to unregister, oh well.  I returned home at 9:30 and found myself with 855 in chips with blinds at 100-200.

My first hand back was in the BB.  UTG moves all-in, folded around to me, and I call with :9s :7s (called since stack so low, might as well end it quickly).  He showed :ac :kd , the board teased him with a diamond 4-flush, but I turned a 7 for the win.  Chips now at 1810.

Folded the next 3 hands, and finally picked up :ac :qc .  Raised 3BB, SB calls.  Flop was :ts :7s :kh .  SB raises the pot, but he hesitated too long, so for some reason I put him on A-low .  I push all-in, he calls with :as :9s .  I was right about what he had, but the spade draw is bad.  However, the board blanks, and I double up again.

Folded the next 3 hands again, back in the BB.  MP limps, everyone else folds, and I have :3h :10c .  Oh well, a free flop before I fold :) .  However, the flop came down :10d :3c :qs .  Monster flop for my crap, time to end it.  Pot's 500, I raise 700, he re-raises me all-in (another 2700).  I can't put him on a monster or I'd expect him to trap a little - probably has a Q, AQ at worst.  I call, and he shows :ad :qd .  Another good read, he has 5 outs - yay me.  Unfortunately, the turn is an A and I'm done.

A pretty short game for me, blinded out half my stack, started with M=3, doubled up on hands 1 and 5, and busted out on hand 9.  Strangely, I felt really good about my game.  The first hand was forced, but the other 2 I seemed to read the players better than normal, probably because I wasn't really thinking yet :) .  Maybe a bit too aggressive on the last hand, but somehow I knew I was ahead, and my M would drop to 6 next hand (blinds were going up), so why not go for some chips that would allow me to play for the win :)

My finish - 393 out of 1301- LOL!


  • Should have just sat the whole thing out - might have made the money :D Ok, maybe not. I love stars for this, especially in satellites. You can get rid of about 1/2 the field every hour until you get down to about 100 players, then play starts to get good. You can just wait for the spots and get your chips in (or as you showed, get your chips in on any hand and this rigged site gives you the pot ;) )
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