Anyone beating $100+ sngs on a regular basis?

Here's my dilemma. Online I'm almost stricty a short-handed player. The last few months I've been beating the $38 6handed NL sngs regularly on Stars, streaks of 6-8 ITM, etc, etc.

Now, this is fine, but moving up on Stars is a bitch as the next level $119 6 handeds are TURBO. It seems that these turbo games always turn into a card catching contest with 3-4 players left, or a big coinflip situation. I cannot dominate these games like the ones below due to the rapidly ascending blinds. It seems that there is just more luck involved in winning these games.

So, my dilemma is that most of the sng action at the $100+ level on Stars is TURBO.

It seems to me that it is very difficult to beat these turbo games as regularly as the non-turbos due to the greater reliance on luck near the latter rounds.

Anyone have similar experiences?

Anyone play $100+s on other sites? I'm especially interested in short-handed sngs.

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