Raise or call?

I was playing $2/$4 limit the other night at Casino Niagara.  I was in late position and was dealt  :ah :jh.  Since the gag term for the table is 'No fold 'em', it was 3 bet before the action came to me.  I capped the round and the flop came as follows:

:10h :ts :2h

I have the nut flush draw.  I am certain that someone of the 6 or so ppl seeing the 4 bet flop (that still amazes me, but hey) has a 10.  But I also know that I have a decent table image by playing tight and already being up at the table by about $100.  The flop action when it gets to me is 2 bet.  I know that if I raise it will not get anyone out of the pot.  The only reason for 3 betting it is for value if I hit my flush and assuming the person(s) holding a 10 do not pair their kickers for a full boat.  I don't think even someone at this table would play 10-2o four bet preflop so the full boat I don't believe is made yet.

Would you raise or call? and why?  I wanted everyones opinion on this and wether or not it was an 'easy' decision.  I found it to be 'non-automatic'.



  • Its not automatic for sure IMO.

    I might simply call here, since your hand is not made yet, therefore I don't see the point of putting more money into the pot at this point. As you stated, this is a "no fold 'em" table. Even if you "wake up" when another heart comes, it is likely you can take a couple of players calling down to the river (probably the ones holding a 10 and hoping they don't catch their boat, or the ones holding the second/third nut flush)
  • Depends on relative position, among other things. You certainly don't want to blow people out with your 3 bet.  Sorry, missed you saying that you assumed no-one would fold. Tough one.  Who do you think has the ten and do you think they're passive or aggressive?

    Reasons I like the 3 bet:

    1) If you capped preflop the person with the T might put you on an overpair.  That might lead the person with trips to just flat call the 3 bet, hoping to CR you on the turn, potentially allowing you to take a free card.
    2) If there's lots of people in the pot, it's likely a straight value raise.

    The main reason I wouldn't want to 3 bet would be:

    1) If it blows people out of the pot by forcing them to call 3 cold (you said you assumed they'd call, so I'll disregard)
    2) The person with trips has a redraw to the boat even if you do make your flush.

    Tough one, but given there's still 6 people in the pot, I think I go ahead and raise it (assuming they won't fold).
  • Hmmm I would prboably just call but if all 6 are defeinitely calling 3 cold then i guess you can raise for value, though I think it's pretty thin, since various of your outs are dirty since they make people full houses, and a ten has redraws. Every now and then you just might have 12 or 15 outs though so that helps.
  • I'd raise. It might not work, but you might get a free card on the turn. If someone bets out on the turn anyway, you have sufficient equity to put these extra bets in now.
  • I would just call at this point. You have not made the flush and you have to much to lose.
    What if the turn brings a 10, A, J, K, Q etc? You are almost certainly drawing dead..
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