Anyone playing the stars $200+15

I may just play in it for the first time ... assuming i'm awake in 1 hour.

I won a satellite and for some reason am actually really wanting to play. To bad i'm in india still (nearly 2am here), i figure if i don't fall asleep in the next hour (quite possible, what with poker on the mind) ... that it is a sign that i should play.

Well if i play, wish me luck ... both with the cards and staying awake.


  • I have never played these tournaments much as I would like to...I have taken my T$ and used in the tourneys on other days...never have the time on weekends with family stuff happening.

  • gl Chugs, watching now while playing a SNG on Stars.
  • 2nd break ... long way to go still.

    No really interesting hands

    have 8435 against average stack of 9107 and about the middle on my own table.

    currently 966 players left out of a starting 3519, so only 965 more to go :)
  • 3rd Break

    The Good News: Made the money with about 9000 or so chips.

    The Bad News: Shortly after i made a horrible call ... i want to blame the fatigue but i knew it was a bad call when i was making it ... so probably i would be dominated called with A-rag to a short stack all-in.

    The Challenge: I have about 1000 chips left now and antes of 100, i'll be going all-in in the next 2-3 hands.
  • I also do have one other option ... for you ev junkies.

    I have enough chips to last 8 more hands on antes (and blinds won't hit me first) ... if 10 more people bust out (a near guarantee at the pace things are going) ... am i better of just folding and taking the extra $70 on the table and forgo the rest, based on that minimal chip stack.
  • Okay out 320 out of 3519

    Buy-in: 215.00
    Payout: 351.90

    I did qualify through a stars 10+1 turbo (opening re-buy and the add-on), but really that's like a seperate tourney.

    Not great but not bad. My first attempt at the stars 215, was a cashout at least. Still kicking myself for the bad call out of the blind, but i needed to start accumulating chips if i was going to make a run ...

    I do think i missed some chances because at some level i did want to make the money, you aim for first but ... sometimes hitting that threshold is nice also.
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