Worst call in Home games history

last night i was playing a heads up game vs a guy 80 bucks  a peice from both of us  iam delt out  :qc :qd   flop comes  :9c :3d :jc he bets i re raise all in ,he calls   :2c :8d     lol turn is an ace and hes drawn dead  how could he call my alll in we were even in chips


  • nah, he still had outs.
  • he was drawning dead after the turn... The way i look at it is... Hes Dead money and play him again lol...
  • Hork42 wrote:
    nah, he still had outs.

    When he made the call....

    worse is making a call on the river when there's absolutely no way you could be ahead.
  • ya he had runner runner straight on the flop. I miss read the post... thought he called a all in on the turn.
  • It's only the worst call if he lays a huge bad beat on you. This might be the stupidest call, however. Perhaps he had you on the old 72o bluff? In which case, you are totally dominated.

    And dude, fix up your avatar text.
  • na...leave the spelling that way...so we know it really is Cole.

    btw, congrats on your West Side win. Cash looks good.
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