How long have you been logged in?
You know that little stat at the top that tells you your total time logged in? Well, what is yours?
I just hit 3 days. Yes, over 72 hours of pokerforum reading. Awesome.
I just hit 3 days. Yes, over 72 hours of pokerforum reading. Awesome.
Forum Stats.
I have 7 + days. I get logged off after 2 minutes of inactivity.
I thought I was the worst offender by far..
Total time logged in: 8 days, 19 hours and 9 minutes.
No, but I am checking on how things progress for a tournament I am holding.
Prophet 22
I'm here a lot, but they are hit-n-runs.
Would have thought it was abit higher than that, but I guess not.
ScottyZ 36d 8h 36m
g2 31d 16h 11m
beanie42 12d 12h 55m
all_aces 9d 19h 56m
JohnnieH 9d 3h 9m
The Prophet 22 8d 20h 3m
pkrfce9 8d 10h 46m
stpboy 8d 3h 5m
SirWatts 8d 1h 4m
witchdoctor 7d 17h 30m
Here comes 6 days baby!
I must be just out of the top 10.
Total time logged in: 7 days, 7 hours and 6 minutes.