poker tracker errors

OK, I usually hang around for one hand when leaving to avoid missing hands. However since eurobet moved to poker room there is a difference of about 20 hands between PT and the stats provided by eurobet. While not much it also amounts to about a $50 difference in the w/l column. I was wondering how to fix this or should I be hanging around for 2-3 hands before leaving a table. Any advice to prevent this from happening?


  • Pokertracker Forums have a thread on Eurobet incorrect amounts. Check that out, just search Eurobet and its the first one.
  • I tend to do what Pat recommended stay until the hand is completed. force import before closing etc. I'm going to keep my eye on it and YES I guess I should have looked at the PT forums. I don't tend to go there but I guess I should in future. Thanks for the info
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