A Really Bad Bet and A Really Bad Call.. Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right!!

I was at Casino Niagara last Friday. I was playing 1-2 NL (these games are unbelievably soft) I got a little outta line in this hand below.

I am on the button with  :ks  :kd. I raise it up $15 to go preflop. Called by the Small Blind.
Flop comes  :8h :8s :3h

SB checks to me, I bet $20

Turn  :6h

SB bets $50 (I think to myself he showed me a nut flush 10 minutes ago with the exact same move. Is this a bluff this time? If he had the nut draw, why did he not bet in to me on the flop? He has to have a pocket pair... 75% sure...)
I decide to push all my cash and chips in. $290 total.. "$240 to call!", the dealer says to him. I am thinking he has to put me on the nut flush if he calls here I will be really suprised. This is a huge bet to call with anything smaller than a flush (ie 2 pr, set) Although I do not put him on these hands.. QQ is what I have him pegged at. After about 40 seconds, he says quietly, "I call" My throat dropped in to my chest.. He rolls over

:8d  :10h

I was like OMG!!!! I am done... And I was... river comes off a brick.. :2c and I am tapped..
I rebuy and watch him stack my chips up for the next hand in awe. I do not know how he can call $240 more with that hand. I hope to see him next time I go there :D Comments are welcome... I do realise I could have played the hand differently. I tried to put a move on my opponent and got bit in the ass..



  • Hard to say for sure. Maybe your own betting patterns over the course of the night helped him put you on another hand then the nut flush. I don't like his call on the flop, he should have raised you right there but again, it's hard to say without knowing what your image and his image at the table is. Maybe he just read your all in as weakness. I'm not taking a shot at you here. Maybe you can just give him credit on a good read and call. He may be figuring you have or dont have the flush a certain % of the time and he still has lots of outs to beat your flush on the chance you have it. Maybe you weren't deep stacked enough to scare him either.
  • BBC Z wrote:

    Vitamins, they help.
  • Why is it everytime a bluff gets picked off it's a "bad call"? He had the best hand right?
  • Scooby, He did have the winner... But I sure was not giving him the correct odds to call that bet. I played poker with this guy for 8 hrs before this happened. We stayed out of each other's way as we were both "solid" players. I am not complaining about his call, I would have a hard time putting in another $240 with a small hand like trip 10s no kicker. I could have easily had the nut flush there or even worse a full house. I must admit that was my first allin of the day. I did make a lot of overbets, and 100% when I did I had the nuts at the time and did not want anyone to catch up. And to whoever it was that was asking about his stack, we were pretty much even. I had $320 and I believe he had maybe $380 at the most. I am far from a rookie BTW, I have been playing poker since 1996. (not professionally tho) I am a professional casino employee :D

  • Maybe he had a tell on you?
  • Hork42 wrote:
    Maybe he had a tell on you?

    It's possible. I do not know what kinda tell he could of gotten from me. I do not give off much emotion when I win or lose. But, it may be possible, I suppose.

  • Just asking because you said you played 8 hours with him and he seemed like a solid player. He could have spotted something on you and decided that his trips were good enough to make the call not as ridiculous as it sounds.

    His medication could have also run out too... ;)
  • I am thinking he has to put me on the nut flush if he calls here I will be really suprised. This is a huge bet to call with anything smaller than a flush (ie 2 pr, set) Although I do not put him on these hands..

    There's your problem. You decided he had to put you on a hand. You thought your bet meant you had the nut flush. Notice the trend? You thought wrong. He probably put you on an over pair from the get go.

    Get over it.
  • BBC Z wrote:

    Why do we have some posters (like BBC Z) that have to make stupid replies to serious posts. Is he (BBC Z) so good that this scenario from the OP bores him? Well then, don't reply and move on to something more exciting..like another $5 SNG in KW!!! Should I point out how non-professional BBC Z really is? With his childish, tatrum-like post here:

    I'm getting sick of reading threads where other members put stupid things in (like "YAWN" !?!?). Why bother? Skip it. Go away. Post somewhere else.

    Pokerkid1215...hard to believe a "solid player" calls 7.5X the BB heads-up with 8-10 off. Even in the SB. If you go all-in on the flop, he still calls (if he calls with 8-10 off and hits trips, he's not laying down!). Out of the SB, I worry about all kinds of hands here. As much as I love my K-K, I would not be confident enough to push it all-in; not even representing a flush..and he is most likely not going to put you on a boat (3-3? 8-3? 8-6?) and only slightly more likely a flush (Ah-Xh or the like). Me, I bet pot on the turn and see what his readtion is..that is the best place for me to get away from the hand if he really likes the 6, the heart or already has the 8 or A-A. Just my opinion. At least it contained some info and insight..thanks for stopping by BBC Z !!
  • Sigh...

    <DrTyore puts on his asbestos body suit to protect himself from the inevitable flame war>

  • Why do we have some posters (like BBC Z) that have to make stupid replies to serious posts.

    This was far from a serious post. What answer is OP looking for aside from "You are right, your opponent made a horrible call, you are the best player ever" ?. I'd group this with the bad beat stories except for the fact that hero was behind the entire way.
    ..like another $5 SNG in KW!!!

    How stupid new are you? I've never played in any KW tournaments.
    Should I point out how non-professional BBC Z really is?

    I don't consider my posting here to be a profession.
    With his childish, tatrum-like post here:

    PFFT I've been far more childish in the past.
    At least it contained some info and insight.

    Actually, there was nothing insightful about your response.
    thanks for stopping by BBC Z

    I said it before and I'll say it again: If you have a beef with me, I'll be more than happy to deal with it in PMs. No need to clutter the board.

    The fact of the matter is, on this hand theres no way to give any kind of advice.. The push on the turn reeks of no-flush because most people would be trying to extract the max via slowplaying not pushing people out with an overbet.. so you tipped your hand off to your opponent and he called your bluff..

  • If I am in SB and I flop trips I am going to have a hard time laying this down. Especially with the low board. When PK pushes all in I might not put him on a flush, I would put him on a flush draw and nobody is going to push all in $290 on a draw are they? Doubtful IMO. I would put him on trying to protect high pockets or maybe even an 8, then I have to decide if my 10 kicker is going to be good enough, I think I call and hope he doesn't have pocket 3's or 6's.
  • BBC you are an ass.. did anyone tell u that. If you do not think my post is serious than do not respond. If you have something positive to offer than I am more than happy for you to reply. I am not a newbie and would love to play poker with you some day. You think yer all that.. I admitted it was a double edged sword bet. I am not whining.. was just asking for opinions. Next time do not respond to my posts if you have nothing good to say... thanks

    PS MDSGuy and Carl... thanks for the insight.. I do realise what you are saying... but I would have to fold 8To to that bet... anyhow.. hand is over.. next one ;)

  • DrTyore wrote:

    <DrTyore puts on his asbestos body suit to protect himself from the inevitable flame war>

    ROFLMAO . Thanks Mark - the forum hasn't made my eyes water like that since Zithal's HU-challenge post. Poetry!
  • BBC - If you are really worried about not cluttering up the boards refrain from such replies as YAWN, SIGH, and the rest of your stupid replies.

    My comments with regards to this hand have been expressed by others.
  • but I would have to fold 8To to that bet...

    Yes, I agree that folding 8To is normally the right move, but with flopping trips and no overcards on board, I would have a real hard time laying it down. Your all in screams that you don't want/expect a call, therefore I would be inclined to probably call. Maybe that's why I am always a bridesmaid and never a bride. (In strictly poker related terms only, I am not suggesting that I am a cross dresser....... not that there's anything wrong with that)
  • AS usual people get too upset at BBC_Z's comments. If you post here expect critics and they all won't be all about puppy dogs and ice cream cones. If you don't like what he says, ignore him. Don't yell at him for being bored. So BBC is an ass. So KK got beat by 10 8. So MDS Guy might like to wear dresses. So Mark wears funny suits to protect him from flamers, which brings up the dresses again.

    Anyway, who cares?
  • He called you with 3 8s! How can you be that surprised??  I don't understand how this is supposed to be an "auto-fold", that sounds pretty weak-tight to me.  You played the entire hand like you had an overpair, and he called since he could beat one, nice call by him but really this isn't mind-blowing.
  • When I play no limit, I am always ready to drop KK or AA in a heartbeat if the board gets too scary.

    I think your preflop raise was fine.  But also remember that people raise preflop that much at Niagara with Ax suited or K10o. 

    Once the flop hit, I wouldve been wary of pocket 8s, 10s (been burned by quads before there, low ones too) and then the turn brings a flush possiblity.  The $50 bet would have had me more worried about Ah4h than 8-10o honestly but still there are too many hands that can beat you.  I might have called the bet and hoped the board brought me a boat but if it didn't, I'd be ready to drop it.
  • I take back the full yawn.

    This hand is probably only worth 85% of a YAWN because it's micro interesting on a horrible bluff level.

    If you want honest appraisals of a hand, dont make it sound like a bad beat whine for 90% of it's content and then toss in a "What would you have done?" at the end.
  • I'd call too if I were him (not pre-flop naturally).

    If you had a flush, why would you try to be pushing him off his hand?

    In regards to BBC, he's right in the fact this sounds like a bad beat post. The tone of the OP seems like, "OMG I played perfectly, look at how dumb this guy is", and thats how BBC read it. I personally think he's funny and provides some of the best analysis on this board.
  • Bravo!, the Main!

    I don't always agree with BBC but if I do, I think you're wrong!

    Ahhh, I have had too much to drink anyway.
  • LOL drink away.. I do not lose too many hands like that. I did overplay the hand... I did lose the hand.. I should have laid it down... I aplogise for getting outta hand..

    Merry Christmas to all....

  • Pokerkid1215 i think you played the hand poorly.

    The action has nothing to do with the fact that you were behind when the money went in. It has to do with the fact that your action on the turn made no sense. You went all-in in a situation and a board where unless the other player had JJ or QQ (even then he likely only does it if he holds the Q or J of hearts in his hand), you were going to get called by hands that beat you. Your bet (assuming your pre-flop raise), reaked of weakness. If i was him I would have put you on a large pocket pair (and likely a big heart being in there)

    Also if he called you with 89s instead of 8To and happened to spike trips would you feel his play was as bad? I ask because with both of you on deep stacks wasn't a player calling with a drawing hand a possibility.



    Okay.. back to reality

    Umm...lesse.. KK called by 8-10, trips hit, huge bet when huge underdog... I agree with the "Only hand that calls is the one tha beats you" assessment... besides.. when you have trips, you can hit a full boat or quads with (in this case) 10 outs... not great by any means... but still 10 outs to the river is about 3.6 to 1 odds... he's only getting 1.7:1 (240 to call into a pot of 410) from the pot.... Sklansky hates him.. unless he had a tell on you, or he thought his 10h gave him the better flush (long shot undoubtedly, but hey!), giving him another 7 outs... which now makes it 1.3:1, and Sklansky loves him

    Though, as pointed out, the only likely hand you could have had that beats his is A-K hearts... or another high connected since you guys have played together before, and he's pegged you as a good player.

    So... in conclusion... bad bet, and a bad call.... two wrongs do not make a right...

    And again, my theory that 99% of the time, people know the right answer and are just looking for people to confirm / assure them, is gaining empirical evidence.

  • Good analogy..... I agree...

  • Hey all I know is that 60% of the time you'll win that hand 100% of the time, or something like that. I like what Mark said (DrTyore) that is...

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