AA with 5 callers

OK... 1/3 NL... all very deep stacks (~600-1200)

Really aggressive table... EP open raises for $35... Hero smooth calls with red aces in MP and 4 more call behind...

Flop: KK4 rainbow

Original raiser opens for $100.. Hero.... ?


  • FOLD, FOLD, FOLD, someone has you. Oh ya...........................FOLD!!!
  • I want to call and then fold the turn if anyone calls behind me and someone bets, but just folding here doesn't seem bad at all and is probaly what I'd actually do without good reads on the players involved.
  • Personally...

    If the table is as aggressive as you say it is, I would re-raise the inital bettor and expect a re-raise...

  • If the table's aggressive, the EP raiser who bet the flop probably doesn't have the K because if he did he could probably check and induce other bets, or check-raise.

    I agree with the above and throw in a raise. You're either gonna: a)figure out if anyone has the K, or b) take the pot down right there.
  • If the table is as aggressive as you say it is, I would re-raise the inital bettor and expect a re-raise...

    So you want to throw more money into the pot and then fold when the reraise comes behind you? Seems like a waste. A king isn't folding, while it's likely hero has the original bettor beat, I don't see the point of the raise. I think I favor folding due to the brutal relative position to the bettor and the number of people in the pot, but calling is doable (a flat call is going to look like someone slowplaying a K anyways, so if you get an overcall behind or a raise, you KNOW you're beat for a cheaper price than a raise).
  • Calling $100 with 4 players behind you here with the intention of folding to a raise or turn bet seems like throwing $$$$$ away.  EP, yourself, and 4 players behind you, there is too great a chance you are way behind already. A/K, K/Q, K/J, K/10 are all plausible holdings for your opponents here.  Especially for the last player or two who were getting great odds to stick around.  Maybe I'm just too tight, but I think this is an easy fold.

  • I think this is an easy fold. Regardless whether the EP has the K or not with 5 in the hand it's very likely that someone has one. How'd it turn out?
  • Why no re-raise pre-flop to isolate??
  • Why no re-raise pre-flop to isolate??

    Backfired slowplay...
  • BBC Z wrote:
    Why no re-raise pre-flop to isolate??

    Backfired slowplay...

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