West Side Poker Club Second Chance Tournament

Did you want to go to West Side Tournament of Champions but had Christmas shopping to finish, had a bad beat and wish you could play it over again, gone with your first instinct and folded instead of calling. This Saturday we are going to give you a second chance to play with 10 000 chips and 1 hour blinds. The tournament will be held in downtown kitchener at the new poker room of West Side Poker Club called Kelly's Place. I will email the directions to all who respond. There will also be a 1/2 ring game for those who bust out. There will be two TV's that will show all 3 football games.

There is enough room for 30 players. The cost for this tournament is 40.00.

Registration is at 11:30 am with the tournament to start at 12:00 pm

Payouts Are as Follows assuming we are sold out:

1st 475.00
2nd 350.00
3rd 150.00
4th 75.00

Prophet 22


  • Hi,

    As you can see by the thread, nobody has registered for this tournament.  I will check the thread in the morning and if by 10:00 am there isn't 10 or more people signed up I will have to postpone this tournament of until a later date.  I can always  open up for a cash game for those who are interested.

    Prophet 22
  • It's a shame this tourney didn't fill within hours of it being announced.

    Everyone is always crying about tournaments becoming  "all-in fests" due to the short starting stacks and the quick (20-30 min) blind leverls... Well this one isn't!!!

    This is the best structure of any tournament and it really sets up well for a good player.

    If I lived anywhere near Kitchener, I'd be in for sure, good luck
  • As you can see there has been no interest in this tournament today. My car is broken and getting fixed this morning. I would have taken a taxi to the club, but it is hard to justify doing so when I have no idea if anyone is going to show. I apologize for any inconvience this may have cause anyone.

  • SOS wrote:
    It's a shame this tourney didn't fill within hours of it being announced.
    Sorry Brent. Really wanted to come out, but family commitments. Hopefully next time.

  • It's Christmas, man. That's why there wasn't a huge turnout for the TOC. Set this up for late Jan or early Feb and people will come. They will come.
  • Would have played no problem...missed the post sorry.
  • Brent,

    Great idea!  I was going to ask you to hold more of these deep stack/slow blind tournaments.  After all, most of the costs are fixed to run the tournament.  So, why not give the players a lilttle more play. 

    As others have mentioned, the timing is yucky.  I might add, that the prize pool makes it hard for folks to dedicate a whole day to playing poker.  Personally, for a whole day of poker, I'm looking at a top prize of a few thousand dollars -- preferrably 5,000.  So, working backwards we would need a total prize pool of 12,000k.  With thirty players, that works out to about 400 per player.  I really don't think that would be a huge deal, since many folks were dropping at least that much on the side games.  With a little forward planning, and many online satellites we could likely make this a monthly game -- I'm thinking an even $500 would be a decent buy-in.

    Online satellites could run for $25 bucks a player, and there could be single table sattellites running.  Not sure if others are interested in a bigger buy-in, deep stack, slow blind tournament.  But you have at least ONE person interested!

  • Nice idea, Lou. But the higher the buy-in, the smaller the number of entrants. Satellites are a good idea but these would need to be set up well in advance and advertised. I'd play a couple of $25 satellites for a shot at a seat.
  • magithighs wrote:

    Great idea!  I was going to ask you to hold more of these deep stack/slow blind tournaments.  After all, most of the costs are fixed to run the tournament.  So, why not give the players a lilttle more play. 

    As others have mentioned, the timing is yucky.  I might add, that the prize pool makes it hard for folks to dedicate a whole day to playing poker.  Personally, for a whole day of poker, I'm looking at a top prize of a few thousand dollars -- preferrably 5,000.  So, working backwards we would need a total prize pool of 12,000k.  With thirty players, that works out to about 400 per player.  I really don't think that would be a huge deal, since many folks were dropping at least that much on the side games.  With a little forward planning, and many online satellites we could likely make this a monthly game -- I'm thinking an even $500 would be a decent buy-in.

    Online satellites could run for $25 bucks a player, and there could be single table sattellites running.  Not sure if others are interested in a bigger buy-in, deep stack, slow blind tournament.  But you have at least ONE person interested!



    Thanks for the suggestion.  Now that I have a place to run things out of I will be looking to run things like this for the more established player who doesn't mind spending a little money with a huge payout in the end.  You are not the first person to say they would throw in $500.00 for a long day (hour blinds) with a big payout $6000.00 for first and a short field (32 players).

    41.7% $6,000.00
    20.8% $3,000.00
    13.9% $2,000.00
    10.4% $1,500.00
    6.9% $1,000.00
    6.3% $900.00

    1600.00 to pay for expenses.  Dealers,  2 meals,  etc.

    Of course this would include dealers and two meals.  I am looking toward putting this event on Feburary 25th.  I appreciate any help in running online satilletes.  We will be running satellites at Kelly's Place in the new year.  Look for an announcement in the new year along with the rest of the schedule for West Side Poker Club.

    Prophet 22
  • I'd be in for a $500 tourny if there were dealers, etc...I'd even play a few online satellites if they are available
  • You could count me in too Brent. I'd love to play that kind of tourney as long as the date works.
  • I would also be interested Brent. Like everyone else, this time of year is pretty hectic for me so it's difficult for make a commitment to come out for some of the tourneys, especially on weekends. Come the new year, my schedule should open up somewhat and I'd definitely be interested in some satellites and failing that the main event. After all you run a good tourney and I like the option to play in a large all day event.

    Steve S.
  • Arg - busy that day. :'(  I'd need to win a satellite to get in, but would love to take a shot though. I'll have to wait for the next one.

    A quick question on the math, though.  The prize pool totals $16,200, which is $200 more than the total buy-ins.  Can you clarify the actual payouts, and is there a separate rake (how much)?
  • TOC was on my youngest daughters birthday. The 25th is my eldest birthday.

    Any chance to have it one week earlier or later.
  • magithighs wrote:

    Great idea! I was going to ask you to hold more of these deep stack/slow blind tournaments. After all, most of the costs are fixed to run the tournament. So, why not give the players a lilttle more play.

    As others have mentioned, the timing is yucky. I might add, that the prize pool makes it hard for folks to dedicate a whole day to playing poker. Personally, for a whole day of poker, I'm looking at a top prize of a few thousand dollars -- preferrably 5,000. So, working backwards we would need a total prize pool of 12,000k. With thirty players, that works out to about 400 per player. I really don't think that would be a huge deal, since many folks were dropping at least that much on the side games. With a little forward planning, and many online satellites we could likely make this a monthly game -- I'm thinking an even $500 would be a decent buy-in.

    Online satellites could run for $25 bucks a player, and there could be single table sattellites running. Not sure if others are interested in a bigger buy-in, deep stack, slow blind tournament. But you have at least ONE person interested!


    That's funny.. most people wait to win a major tournament before they become prima-donnas and start telling the organizers how to run thier own tournaments.

    But I guess if you can offer lessons at $100/hour or name a poker tour after yourself without any of doing any of those pesky things like winning, then why not boss people around too?
  • I won't comment on your shots directly at Magithighs. I've read the archives and know you guys have a "special" relationship (little schoolbus with a helmet kind of special).
    BBC Z wrote:
    That's funny.. most people wait to win a major tournament before they become prima-donnas and start telling the organizers how to run their own tournaments.
    The funny part is this - most good hosts/organizers seem to solicit feedback from there players, and try to provide what their clients want, whether in a club or home-game environment. Locally, Zithal, g2, and Prophet have all done this, as have I, and the players seem to like it. To pick a specific example, I don't consider Johnnie or Wolffhound "prima-donnas" for the suggestions which led to my "KW Chaos", and it was one of the most fun tournaments we've had. From chatting with Prophet, he's smart enough to realize providing the service customers request is good business, and I don't think he has any problems with Lou's suggestion.
  • BBC were you the school bully during your formative years? Why must you say crap about everyone/everything? I am sure Prophet will take Magi's advice with appreciation that someone is trying to help out. All of Magi's ideas were sound, and logical.

    Your post on the other hand was just more crap and spew coming from your keyboard. I have defended you in the past, but you came out of left field on this one and there was no need to post your opinion as you did.
  • Who is that guy? And why did he crap all over Lou? Can I get rid of his post without removing the whole topic?

    Prophet 22
  • Does Lou live in Kitchener or Waterloo, I want him on my Ryder Cup team to play BBC in the first heads up match....I wonder if BBC is this mouthy in person?

  • Brent/magi:

    Great idea - plus the satellites should attract more people to Kellys for cash games.

    And Trevor you know Johnnie is a prima donna - he just hides it well :)
  • TNORTH wrote:
    And Trevor you know Johnnie is a prima donna - he just hides it well :)

    If you read my post carefully:
    beanie42 wrote:
    I don't consider Johnnie or Wolffhound "prima-donnas" for the suggestions which led to my "KW Chaos"
    you'll notice I said their suggestions aren't what makes me think that :) (I have other reasons, LOL)
  • Great idea. Count me in for th higher buy in, Satellites are good as well.

    Cameron and i spoke about a higher buy in tourney just after i busted out of the TOC.

    20 people at 1k per would be real nice, paying top 5?

  • Some $50.00 ten man satellites would be awesome, Why don"t you start running them over the holidays ? I"d play in a couple
  • shopsy wrote:
    Some $50.00 ten man satellites would be awesome, Why don"t you start running them over the holidays ? I"d play in a couple

    I think maybe do what GBH do? 11 players, $50 each. Winner takes all, or if 1st and 2nd wants to chop then its players choice but 1st will have to make up the difference to get the seat.
  • Brent, thanks for setting this up!  Please reserve a spot for me.  We spoke of online satellites for the TOC and I'd like to help out with the $500 tournament.

    If there are folks interested in an online satellite, please PM me.  I'm thinking a $50 sat. would work best.  I would do the conversion to CDN and then transfer any remaining funds to 2'nd place.  If we get ten folks interested, I'll set it up pronto.  And, I'll be the first person to sign up, so we only need 9 more.  If we get 20 folks interested, we can ratchet down the buy-in to $25.  Note, there won't be any rake, as the tournament will be a freeroll (you'll have to transfer your buy in directly to me and I'll do the appropriate transfers after the tournament).  It's how we ran our last Lucky Lou freeroll and that went very smoothly.


    P.S.  I'm not interested in a heads up match with anyone, as I have nothing to prove.  And, we have a good bunch of folks on the forum.   I'll keep focusing on the rose and not the thorns.
  • stpboy wrote:
    Does Lou live in Kitchener or Waterloo, I want him on my Ryder Cup team to play BBC in the first heads up match....I wonder if BBC is this mouthy in person?

    I ca't imagine he would be that ignorant in person. These kids never are... Just talkers, and not very good at that either... Wonder if he would dare show up in person... Actually Milton wants to give Lou the key to the city (er town), do we get him on our team... lol... Another "Rock" for BBC to get stoned by... So are you actually brave enough to come out of your cave yet bbc....
  • Brent,

    I'll take a spot at the $500 tourney as well.

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