LL Hand

Thoughts? New table, no read on villian.

***** Hand History for Game 3195771536 *****
$3/$6 Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, December 13, 18:55:06 EDT 2005
Table Bad Beat Jackpot #1102263 (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: FloppyNuttsK ( $33 )
Seat 2: warchief ( $461 )
Seat 9: Nagual05 ( $134.75 )
Seat 10: JoeHoldem ( $118.75 )
Seat 3: ScoobD ( $352.50 )
Seat 6: Orcadog ( $302.50 )
Seat 8: EASYED08 ( $158.50 )
Seat 4: sunshapes ( $189 )
Seat 7: ljoconnor ( $123 )
Seat 5: sportsgeez ( $150 )
Orcadog posts small blind [$1].
ljoconnor posts big blind [$3].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ScoobD [ Qh Qc ]
EASYED08 calls [$3].
Nagual05 folds.
FloppyNuttsK folds.
warchief folds.
ScoobD raises [$6].
sunshapes folds.
Orcadog folds.
ljoconnor calls [$3].
EASYED08 calls [$3].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Js, Ts, Qs ]
ljoconnor bets [$3].
EASYED08 folds.
ScoobD raises [$6].
ljoconnor calls [$3].
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ac ]
ljoconnor checks.
ScoobD checks. (Considered betting, but chance of CR is big, and with the boat redraw, I'm compelled to call, I decide to check behind to get to SD as cheaply as possible.)
** Dealing River ** [ 8c ]
ljoconnor bets [$6].
ScoobD calls [$6]. (Even though the board is really ugly and the pot isn't that big I think I have to call here given I showed weakness on turn)


  • I would bet the turn and call down if checkraised.  There's enough draws and worse hands out there that will call that i think checking the turn is a mistake.  Please don't fold that river, it's closer to a raise than a fold. edit: Oh the 8 makes the other straight, yeah just call.
  • Bet the turn, call a check raise. If you had a read on your opponent you are probably looking to 3 bet it.

    For all you knew he is semi bluffing with the As or he is betting 2nd or 3rd pair against you heads up. The free card on a board this scary is bad and your hand is superstrong.
  • Wondered if my turn play was too weak. Ironically, if the pot was multiway, I'm almost positive I bet, even though the chances are greater that somebody has made at least a straight. I figure multiway even if I'm behind, I still have excellent pot equity. I'm more fearful of giving a lone spade a free card with multiple opponents, and I know I have my redraw anyways. I guess headsup I figured if I am behind and bet the turn it is going to cost me 3 bets to get to showdown, whereas if I check behind I can get there for 1 (and if the board pairs I'm obviously raising the river, I probably also make a value bet if checked to me too). I guess I'm still giving up too much by not betting the turn vs. the likely range of hands I'm up against...
  • 3 bets to get to showdown,

    Don't discount HOW you go to showdown, the three bets aren't equal.
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