Online Satellite Hand

Party $30+3 satellite to $200+15 satellite to the CPC

Second hand of FT, 9 get seats, 10th get like a dollars short of $100

***** Hand History for Game 3197026551 *****
NL Texas Hold'em Trny:18254310 Level:9 Blinds (200/400) - Tuesday, December 13, 22:23:17 EDT 2005
Table ($30/3) CPC Qualifier(539179) Table #1 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: kennyj350 ( $4932 )
Seat 2: Psycom128 ( $3876 )
Seat 3: private_call ( $4615 )
Seat 4: westside88 ( $6034 )
Seat 5: Racerxman ( $7100 )
Seat 6: zeecoyotte ( $4982 )
Seat 7: luckysnorm ( $13821 )
Seat 8: stbdan ( $9595 )
Seat 9: batttmannn ( $7012 )
Seat 10: bigred1114 ( $9033 )
Trny:18254310 Level:9
Blinds (200/400)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to westside88 [ Ah Qc ]
zeecoyotte raises [800].
luckysnorm folds.
stbdan folds.
batttmannn folds.
bigred1114 folds.
kennyj350 folds.
Psycom128 folds.
private_call folds.

Action on me, what to do
No read on player, haven't played at his table all tourney.

1) re-raise
2) call and see flop
3) fold
4) other


  • Hmmm... you only need 1 more to bust out and you get a seat...

    It's a min-raise from a short stack. You've already posted the SB. He can't bust you out but the BB can...

    Why would he make this move? He's not the short stack yet but he is UTG and will be the short stack in 2 hands. Does he want a caller? Or is he trying to steal the blinds cheaply? My guess is he's trying to take advantage of the tightness at the table to steal the blinds so he can fold his blinds without having to be under as much pressure as the shorter stacks to move. He could have any hand at all.

    Tough one. You could smooth call and hope the BB doesn't push. It wouldn't make sense for BB to do that unless he had a monster hand. You get to act first on the flop. I'd have to assume if you check the flop, he'll push or for sure at least put you on a difficult decision.

    I'd be tempted to smooth call and bet around 1/3 of the pot if the flop looks lame. Otherwise you can get away from it without much damage to your chances.

    On the other hand, you've got 4 stacks smaller than you and 2 of a similar size... You've just passed through the blinds. It wouldn't take much to just sit on your hands and fold your way into a seat.

    I'm curious how the others feel about this situation.
  • I would fold and play the waiting game for a while, let the big stacks take care of trying to bust someone.
  • I had a similar situation in a home game where I had :ad :kd UTG. BB was all-in on the blind with a dead small blind because someone just got knocked out. Next person out was bubble-boy. I had UTG covered by a single chip. There were still 3 behind me to act, so I folded figuring someone else would call (since my all-in was only 1 more chip than a limp). NOBODY CALLED!!! I am all-in on the BB on the next hand, and bubble boy. The whole way home all I could say was "Stupid, stupid, stupid ....".

    You are in better shape Wes as there really isn't that much blind pressure on you, but when it gets to bubble boy situations in these things everyone tightens up and only plays monsters. This guy could be raising with any two cards to steal, he could have a hand, but not likely. Limp would be a better way to get some more people involved if he had a hand. I re-raise so that the BB needs a good hand to call and gives the initial raiser the chance to fold. I probably fold to an all-in by either player ... ah the advantage of position.
  • Very easy fold IMO.   You have power with your stack, and can put them to use by stealing blinds here and there and getting players off hands.  You have players behind you and the "beware of the short stack limp or min. raise".  I think you're way behind him, and then have to worry about the guys behind you. Way too much risk, when you're pretty much going to win an entry by folding.

  • I've read the other replies and completely agree, perhaps an unlucky hand to get when facing a raise at this time in the tournament but nonetheless it is a fold. It would have been nice to see Q5off or any other randomly bad hand. I would also fold AK in this position for what it's worth, of couse I've done this before and been chastised for it. Hands I would call/raise with in this situation would only include: AA, KK, QQ ...I was thinking about JJ but nah, I'd fold it.

    I feel bad for you that you went all in and got called by a pair that held up....yes, I am assuming all of this.

  • stpboy wrote:
    I feel bad for you that you went all in and got called by a pair that held up....yes, I am assuming all of this.


    I'm afraid you assumed wrong Shannon :D

    Results is in white, so people who want to reply can still do

    Called the raise, BB folded. Flop was J-7-2 rainbow, checked, raiser raised, I folded
    My thinking was if I hit the flop, I will make a feeler bet. If I miss, it would be check/fold
    Any comments on that thinking?

    Btw, for anyone interested, I will be playing in the 200+15 CPC satellite on Party at 10pm tonight. 1 seat for every 40 entries, its sitting at 53 right now.
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