Guelph League Finals Sunday 18th @ 6:00PM

Hey guys,

The finals are set for Sunday the 18th @ 6:00PM sharp. Blind schedule as usual with 10,000 in chips

Just a reminder of the finalists.

Cowboy Mike


  • Is this at my house?

    I would like to host if no one else cares where it is held...
  • That should be fine. Please send address to Miranda or I and we will inform the rest.
  • Who's the new guy???  ;)

    I'll need a PM for the address please...
  • The Guelph league finals went tonight and

    QTJEN took it down with one final suckout. She played her chips strongly and wasn't afraid to throw them around.

    FInishing Order

    QTJEN 1st
    ANTE River Ken 2nd << always a brides maid never a bride :)
    Myself 3rd. Damn Kings
    Rich 4th
    Dean 5th
    Ali 6th
    Cowboy Mike Regular Season Champ 7th
    Miranda Reguar Season Runner Up 8th.

    Congrats all it was a blast and we will be sure to have a few games before the Ryder Cup games.
  • No chance to be a bride, when you're playing Bridezilla heads up...especially if she's

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