Game 7 Seats

Seats reserved as of now:

STR82ACE -  Seat Reserved -  2005-12-09 17:04:59
Derksen -  Seat Reserved -  2005-12-12 09:09:33
BusDriver -  Seat Reserved -  2005-12-12 11:53:20
ACDC -  Seat Reserved -  2005-12-12 12:50:04
Pkrfce9 -  Seat Reserved -  2005-12-13 06:55:58
JHJ -  Seat Reserved PENDING
Hork42 -Seat Reserved PENDING

Once again, I am opening seats up to new players and to those members who have yet to reserve.  I would like a minimum of 8 seats reserved in advance, and we max out at 18 players.



  • I'd love to be there this week - but my company Christmas party is on Thursday night.

    I'll definitely be there next week....
  • No Problem Eleanor. Those pesky Christmas Parties can really put a damper on a good poker game, cant' they? :D

    This also gives me an excellent oppurtunity to overtake you on the leader board. WOOHOO!!!
  • No Elliotts? I can just hear Derek now, "Aw....that's too bad"
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    No Elliotts? I can just hear Derek now, "Aw....that's too bad"

    LOL, god, I never get tired of that.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    No Elliotts? I can just hear Derek now, "Aw....that's too bad"

    Some one's work can't have their Christmas party on a normal day like a Friday or Saturday. :'(
  • No Elliotts? I can just hear Derek now, "Aw....that's too bad"

    Yes...and I can almost see that sad twinkle in his eye. ;)

    AJ - don't get any ideas about overtaking me on the leaderboard...I'll be back next week with a vengance!
  • AJ - put me as 'tentative'. I will do my best to come this week so that I can defend the bracelet. I'll let you know for sure tomorrow.
  • Ok, I think I'm beyond defending myself. See you tomorrow (for those who can make it), if not.... well you know!
  • ElElliott wrote:

    AJ - don't get any ideas about overtaking me on the leaderboard...I'll be back next week with a vengance!

    Sorry, Eleanor, but I have to get on top of you...SHHHHHH, don't tell your husband :D

    Hork you're down as tentative.

    Also, been listening to the forecast for tomorrow, and it doesnt' sound great :'( I'll see what happens by tomorrow midday. If I don't get a minimum of 8 players, and if the weather is as nasty as it was a couple of weeks ago, I MAY just postpone the game. Any objections?
  • No objections here.

    If it's snowed out or we have less than 8, better off postponing.
  • Driving through a blinding snow storm for some cheesy bling is what makes us uniquely Canadian!
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Driving through a blinding snow storm for some cheesy bling is what makes us uniquely Canadian!

    TOUCHE!! Spoken like a true HOSER in a quest for BLING!!
  • pokerface, you must really want back ontop the leaderboard! Truth be told, I have a parent/teacher meeting tonight. I can make it, but I'll be late.

    So what's the call AJ?

    As I see it now, it's snowing outside, and we only have 5 comfirmed players.
  • Another concerned party here. Are we playing?

    The snow has just started here and it looks like it ain't gonna stop.
  • Sorry for the late notice guys.

    GAME 7 POSTPONED TO NEXT WEEK. Sorry, I just got in myself. We really don't have a sufficient table full, and the latest forecast is only getting nastier. I think it's in everyone's best interest to postpone the game until next week.

    Sorry for the late notice.
  • I'm in for this week!!!

    oh... uhh... ok

    Dunno about next week yet. sigh.

    Sigh :'(
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Sorry. I'm usually pretty good at noticing things.
  • I guess this would make the elliotts a little happy? now there not missing out lol
    good call, even though I wasnt able to make it in the first place the weather is just to crappy
  • jbird8306 wrote:
    I guess this would make the elliotts a little happy?

    I'm sure Eleanor will be breathing a sigh of relief. I had every intention of passing her on the leader board, but now I will have to face her in order to do it. Oh well, I prefer to watch the look on her face when I do it anyway.

    Well, looks like the weatherman was as trustworthy as Hork42 playing a draw... still nasty, but not as threatening as first perceived. Sorry we had to cancel the game all, but I tried to monitor the decision based on forecasts and the number of confirmations I had received. I really don't think it's practical to hold a game of less than 8 people (third would get $64 in that case), anything less and it wouldn't make very profitable.

    Next game will be Thursday Dec 22 at 8:30pm. Because this game is the last one prior to the holidays, I am going to enforce the following rule:

    ...otherwise the game will be postponed.

    So if I don't get 8 players confirmed by deadline time, I will be postponing this game as well. Therefore, I would appreciate as much advanced confirmations as possible prior to this time. If you intend to play, PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR SEAT IN ADVANCE. I will be sending out the game notification very soon.

  • STR82ACE wrote:

    I'm sure Eleanor will be breathing a sigh of relief.  I had every intention of passing her on the leader board, but now I will have to face her in order to do it.  Oh well, I prefer to watch the look on her face when I do it anyway.

    Well, looks like the weatherman was as trustworthy as Hork42 playing a draw... still nasty, but not as threatening as first perceived.  Sorry we had to cancel the game all, but I tried to monitor the decision based on forecasts and the number of confirmations I had received.  I really don't think it's practical to hold a game of less than 8 people (third would get $64 in that case), anything less and it wouldn't make very profitable.

    Next game will be Thursday Dec 22 at 8:30pm.  Because this game is the last one prior to the holidays, I am going to enforce the following rule:

    ...otherwise the game will be postponed.

    So if I don't get 8 players confirmed by deadline time, I will be postponing this game as well.  Therefore, I would appreciate as much advanced confirmations as possible prior to this time.  If you intend to play, PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR SEAT IN ADVANCE.  I will be sending out the game notification very soon.


    Well we were both disappointed that we were going to miss the game, because as many have said before "Thursday is the day of the week I look forward to the most."

    The weather was crazy insane last night so I think it was a good idea calling off the game. It took me over an hour to get home from work last night and usually it is only a 20 min. drive. So even if you had the numbers I think there would have been a lot of people getting blinded out. Can't wait until next week.
  • I'm definitely in for the 22nd - can't wait!
  • ElElliott wrote:
    I'm definitely in for the 22nd - can't wait!

    It's okay, Eleanor, you really don't HAVE to if you don't WANT to. Just sit at home, relax, get your holiday shopping finished, unwind, watch CSI... :D
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