Bank Roll wave motion

This happen to any of you LLHE 6-max players? I steadily work my account to a set figure over the course of a few days or weeks...steady climb up...then, (Stars btw), as soon as my account reaches this high number (which btw I have now reached 4x plus or minus 10 bux), they throw the "F*** IronDoc" lever in support...and suddenly, all my straights get flushed, flushes get boated, top 2 pair get tripped...and, fairly often, it happens as a money card for both players.

Rigged you say? ...not in that camp...but I am really frustrated...I canNOT break out of the high account account varies between my deposit +50% and the high number...about ready to chuck the whole best to manage this angst?



  • lol, did the same thing over and over again at stars ... chugs = pokerstars bitch

    I go back, and pokerstars treats me great i do well, and then the next week ... all gone ... its a never ending cycle

    Mind you me being a crappy player ... has something to do with it
  • ...same EXACT thing happening again...this does indeed truly suck...

  • Self fullfulling prophecy. You believe it will happen so it does. Past events have no bearing on the present and future. Get it out of your head and keep playing solid. Review your game, over and over.
  • ...couldn't agree exact line of thought...thanks,

  • I find that a different mindset equals different play.  For instance, I tend to make more money when working off a bonus than I do in regular games.  I think that it's because I know I'm still making money, even if I just break even at the table.  Thus I play a little tighter, chase a little less, etc.  Could it be something like this?  Perhaps your play changes slightly when you're not working towards your specific goal?
  • Paul3221 wrote:
    I find that a different mindset equals different play.  For instance, I tend to make more money when working off a bonus than I do in regular games.  I think that it's because I know I'm still making money, even if I just break even at the table.  Thus I play a little tighter, chase a little less, etc.  Could it be something like this?  Perhaps your play changes slightly when you're not working towards your specific goal?

    This is definitely the case with me, I play a tight game ($0.50/1.00)...then for some ridiculous reason I'll find myself up $10 or $20...well the reason I am up is not ridiculous but I'll get a mediocre hand out of position and say, well I'm up $x you gotta switch up your game from time to time, so now looks like a perfect time to play SH!T cards....then I'll get a piece of the flop, just enough to keep me calling to the inevitable losing showdown.
    The game is full of ups and downs, nobody is out to get you, review your play and I'm sure you'll find your reason. Another thing I like to do is set time limits or money limits, when I'm up so much or down so much or have played a set length of time I take a break and come back keeps me from the old 'One more orbit and I should get that $x back' syndrome.
  • Breakout! ...but I MTT FT'd and won 2 SnG's...not limit...go figure...

  • ...and then lost half of it in's a list of losing starting hands: AA. AK, KK, QQ, KQ, etc losing to 45o, 49o, 22, et al.

    I don't think I'm cut out for this limit shit...gonna start a thread on characterisitics of limit cash games vs tournaments in terms of player characteristics.


  • I don't think you appreciate how long the long run is.. and how long break-even streaks can last (tens of thousands of hands).. Thats the nature of the limit beast..

    I think you need to stop catering to your latest short term result and pick a game format you like and stick with it for a substantial number of hands.. MTTs SNGs Ring Limit.. they're all substantially different. You don't want to spread your ability evenly over all of them or you'll end up as a mediocre player at them all with small edges..

    (allow me to hijack) I think the best way to expand your abilities to other games is to establish a 'home base' in one game where you are proven to be profitable, and then slowly expand into other games where your +EV homebase compensates for the -EV learning experience.
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